TP-COIL: Launching online courses with U.S. universities!!
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Have you ever participated in classes offered online?
Online courses enable you to have discussions with university students outside your country or to listen to lectures delivered at universities in other countries while being in your regular classroom.
TUFS has been offering online courses in fields such as peace and conflict studies (PCS).
In fact, we have been conducting synchronous online classes by linking classrooms of universities together in several conflict-affected countries for more than 10 years. This is “PCS Global Campus Program” led by Prof. Kenji ISEZAKI at Peace and Conflict Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies.
Generally, it tends to be difficult for students at universities in countries experiencing conflicts to physically go abroad for various reasons and study together with students of different nations, but they can exchange opinions easily with students in other countries in online courses using the internet.
In “PCS Global Campus Program” online course, it was observed that these students acquired the ability to look at their own conflict from diverse perspectives by discussing various conflict cases and interacting students in other countries.
The students’ views are obviously broadened, as participants having different backgrounds come up with opinions from various angles when discussing one conflict.

Online courses, thus, allow you to have discussions with students in other countries without flying all the way, and we will be launching a string of online courses between TUFS and universities in the U.S.!!
It is part of a program called TP-COIL (Trans-pacific Collaborative Online International Learning).
TP-COIL offers support to students for participating in study abroad programs at partner universities in the United States after taking the COIL-type courses.
Therefore, if you satisfy certain conditions by attending the COIL-type courses, you will be given preference in the selection of recipients of the JASSO scholarship for studying in partner universities in the U.S.!!
TP-COIL (Trans-pacific Collaborative Online International Learning)

Here are some online courses under TP-COIL (COIL-type courses).
Summer Intensive Course
From September 24 until September 27, the university offered “COIL: Postwar U.S. – Japan Relations,” a summer quarter intensive course as part of “Global Liberal Arts Program: Aspect of Contemporary Japan 1” by Assoc. Prof. Nobuo Haruna. During the course, the classrooms of TUFS, California State University, Northridge (CSUN), and International Christian University (ICU) will be linked together and students will discuss online the issue of the U.S. air base in Okinawa from various aspects.

Fall Quarter Lecture
In the coming fall quarter, the university is offering the course “COIL: Instructional Design and Intercultural Competence,” as part of the courses “Multiculturalism Society 2 (19180190)” and “Community Studies 2B (180249)” by Aya Fukuda. The course focuses on intercultural competency as well as learning of teaching methods to experience how you can learn such competency through teaching. In the course, the classrooms of TUFS, ICU, and University of California, Irvine, will be linked together for the students to compare online learning in Japan and the U.S. in order also to experience cross-cultural communication, which is one of intercultural competency.
Winter Intensive Course
As a winter quarter intensive course, “COIL: The Pacific War revisited: historical research and collective memories” by Assoc. Prof. Haruna, which was also offered in academic year 2018.
Syllabus:Coming soon
Find COIL Courses in the Syllabus
The names of COIL courses start with “COIL”.
The university plans to offer various COIL courses and look forward to your participation—especially of those who have plans to study in the U.S., and those who are interested in the fields, online courses, and classes taught in English as well as those who have studied in the U.S.!
“COIL: The Pacific War revisited: historical research and collective memories” by Assoc. Prof. Haruna in January 2018
The course explored different ways of interpreting the Pacific War through lectures, movies, and discussions. One of the aims of the online sessions is for students of the universities in Japan and the U.S. to grasp the Pacific War from various aspects by watching the same movie and discussing it.

Comments from participating students
We received positive comments such as “I thought it was quite interesting that there were such widely differing views regarding the same war,” and “It was really interesting to learn contrasting aspects of the Pacific War through this COIL-type direct discussion format.”
Introduction to TP-COIL
Cultivate active dispositions in students that will enable them to handle differences in opinions and diversity while nurturing sensitivity towards cultural diversity (ethnicity and gender) through the COIL-type courses, internships, and study abroad programs.
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, Riverside
- University of California, Irvine
- California State University, Northridge
- University of California
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- The University of Southern California
- The State University of New York at Albany
- The State University of New York at Stony Brook
- San Diego State University

Further Information
The TP-COIL Secretariat will continue to offer various information regarding COIL-type courses and internships.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Project Promotion Representative: Prof. Minoru Iwasaki
Project Coordinator: Ms. Aya Fukuda, Assistant Professor
Staff: Bernine Watanabe
Contact:tenkai-coil[at] (Please change [at] to @ when you send an e-mail to us.)