The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics
- 刊行
- 著者等
- H. Ekkehard Wolff(編)中川裕(分担執筆)
- 出版社
- Cambridge University Press
(出版社HPより): This book provides an in-depth and comprehensive state-of-the-art study of ‘African languages’ and ‘language in Africa’ since its beginnings as a ‘colonial science’ at the turn of the twentieth century in Europe. Compiled by 56 internationally renowned scholars, this ground breaking study looks at past and current research on ‘African languages’ and ‘language in Africa’ under the impact of paradigmatic changes from ‘colonial’ to ‘postcolonial’ perspectives. It addresses current trends in the study of the role and functions of language, African and other, in pre- and postcolonial African societies. Highlighting the central role that the ‘language factor’ plays in postcolonial transformation processes of sociocultural modernization and economic development, it also addresses more recent, particularly urban, patterns of communication, and outlines applied dimensions of digitalization and human language technology.

第12章Linguistic Features and Typologies in Languages Commonly Referred to as ‘Khoisan’ をAlena Witzlack-Makarevich教授(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)と共同執筆。科研費プロジェクト(研究課題番号16H01925)の成果の一部。同書について詳しくはこちらを参照。