Visualising multilingual lives: More than words
- 刊行
- 著者等
- P. Kalaja & S. Melo-Pfeifer (編)海野多枝(分担執筆)
- 出版社
- Multilingual Matters

Narrative turns and visual turns. This book will have your head spinning. Filled with innovative methods for studying the multilingual subject that are cutting-edge but intersect with more conventional methods too, this stunning collection looks to the future in applied language studies research.
– Gary Barkhuizen, University of Auckland, New Zealand
A path-breaking book for multilingual classrooms in the 21st century! The 15 chapters, expertly edited by Kalaja and Melo-Pfeifer, offer cutting-edge research on multilingual subjects and a range of truly innovative pedagogies for teachers. This book will inspire researchers investigating the role of visual literacies in multilingual education and will transform the experience of teachers committed to a deeper understanding of the multilingual lives of newcomer students and multilingual learners worldwide. This volume is bound to become a major reference in the fields of language education and teacher education.
– Christine Hélot, University of Strasbourg, France
オーストラリア?マッコーリー大学のPhil Benson教授と共同で、第10章Study abroad in pictures: Photographs as data in life-story researchを執筆しました。日本に留学中の日本語学習者の事例を通じて、留学中の第二言語アイデンティティの問題を取り上げ、写真データとナラティブの分析を行いました。本書全体を通じて、近年、応用言語学の分野でうかがわれるmultilingual, narrativeへの2つの方向転換に加えて、3つめのvisualへの方向転換の統合を試みています。第二言語習得、言語教育学、マルチリンガリズム、あるいはvisual methodsなどに関心のある方々にお読みいただければと思います。