Japan’s School Curriculum for the 2020s: Politics, Policy, and Pedagogy
- 刊行
- 著者等
- Akito Okada ?Sam Bamkin (編集)
- 出版社
- Springer
Japan’s school curriculum, revised for the 2020s, introduces new subjects and, perhaps more importantly, a new vision for teaching referred to as ‘active learning’. This book examines the social and political realities that provided space for this unprecedented curriculum reform; the policymaking process through which it was refined; its envisaged pedagogy, and the intended and unintended outcomes of the new requirements, both on the ground in each school subject and across the education system. Finally, the book steps back to consider the possible future of ‘active learning’ and direction of the course of study in this decade and the next. This book will be of interest to those researching contemporary Japanese education, education policy, curriculum studies and equality of educational opportunity.

岡田 昭人(大学院総合国際学研究院/教授)