TUFSグローバル?スタディーズ学会 2024年度(第5回)大会?総会プログラム
The Fifth Convention and General Meeting of the Association of Global Studies (AGS-TUFS)
大会概要 Details
Date : February 11, 2025 (Tues.)
Venue: in person (as a general) (Details to be announced separately (AGS-TUFS Members only)
連絡先: (Email): ags.tufs[at]gmail.com ([at]を@に変えてください)
Inquiry: ags.tufs[at]gmail.com
プログラム Program
Plenary Session: “Current status and issues of international technical trainees and specified skilled workers: Expectations for the “Ikusei-shuro” program.”
司会:岡田 昭人(本学教授)Chair: Akito Okada (Professor)
末松和子 東北大学 副理事(国際交流担当)高度教養教育?学生支援機構 グローバルラーニングセンター 副センター長
Kazuko Suematsu, Associate Executive Vice President, Deputy Director of Global Learning Center, Tohoku University
包 高娃 Bao Gaowa (D3), Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
孫然 Sun Ran (D1), Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
小森谷仁子 Satone Komoriya (D1), Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
13:00-17:00 分科会Thematic Sessions
- 分科会I:言語 13:00-17:00 司会:金指 久美子(本学教授)
Session I: Language (13:00-17:00) Chair: Kumiko Kanazashi (Professor)
- 報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:40) 要旨 abstract
堀江 舞柚(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Mayu Horie (PhD student) Language: Japanese「スペイン語の原因?理由を表す como 節は常に主節に前置するのか?」
Commentator: Hisae Akihiro (Associate Professor) -
報告② Presentation 2 (13:55-14:40) 要旨 abstract
下間 彩加(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Ayaka Shimotsuma (PhD student) Language: Japanese「ラオ語における方向動詞/kh??n/と/lo??/の機能について」
“A Study on the Function of Directional Verbs /kh??n/ and /ló?/ in Lao”
Commentator: Kenji Okano (Professor) -
報告③ Presentation 3 (14:40-15:20) 要旨abstract
石橋 裕子(本学博士後期課程) 使用言語:日本語
Yuko Ishibashi (PhD student) Language: Japanese「現代日本語における二重条件型の条件節連続文の特徴」
“The Features of Sentences with Consecutive Conditional Clause : Focusing on Sentences Where Two Conditional Clauses Modify the Same Main Clause”討論者:川村大(本学教授)
Commentator: Futoshi Kawamura (Professor) -
報告④ Presentation 4 (15:30-16:10) 要旨abstract
稲生 秀俊 (本学博士後期課程) 使用言語:英語
Hidetoshi Inoo (PhD student) Language: English“From Literal to Figurative: A Diachronic Study of English Idioms ‘on thin ice’ and ‘in the soup’”
Commentator: none -
報告⑤ Presentation 5 (16:20-17:00) 要旨abstract
張 舒鵬 (特別研究員) 使用言語:日本語
Shupeng Zhang (Research fellow) Language: Japanese「書き言葉資料における評価形容詞典型例の構文的考察」
“A Syntactic Study of Evaluative Adjective in Written Materials”討論者:花薗悟(本学教授)
Commentator: Satoru Hanazono (Professor)
分科会II:文化 15:30-17:00 司会:山口 裕之(本学教授)
Session II: Culture (15:30-17:00) Chair: Hiroyuki Yamaguchi (Professor)-
報告① Presentation 1 (15:30-16:10) 要旨 abstract
大西 達貴 (本学博士後期課程) 使用言語:英語
Tatsuki Onishi (PhD student) Language: English“Turning Islands Images into Objects and Their Expansion –Practices of “Vernacular Photographies” in Postwar Okinawa”
Commentator: Junko Kume (Associate Professor) -
報告② Presentation 2 (16:20-17:00) 要旨 abstract
堀 大輔(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Daisuke Hori (PhD student) Language: Japanese「ジジーノ?ガットゥーゾ事件の文学的再構築と幻影の新都市ムッソリーニアの表象──アンドレア?カミッレーリの『名もなき死者の物語』とその着想の源」
“Analysis of the Literary Reconstruction of the Gigino Gattuso Case and of the Representation of Mussolinia, the Phantom City: Andrea Camilleri’s Privo di titolo and Its Sources of Inspiration”討論者:山手昌樹(共愛学園前橋国際大学 専任講師)
Commentator: Masaki Yamate (Full-time Lecturer of Kyoai Gakuen University)
分科会III:社会 13:00-17:00 司会:真島 一郎(本学教授)
Session III: Society (13:00-17:00) Chair: Ichiro Majima (Professor)-
報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:40) 要旨 abstract
バタライ ビノド(特別研究員)使用言語:日本語
Bhattarai Binod (Research fellow) Language: Japanese「ネパールのコミュニティ林業:現状、課題、将来の方向性について」
“Community Forestry in Nepal: Present Status, Challenges, and Future Directions”討論者:なし
Commentator: none -
報告② Presentation 2 (13:50-14:30) 要旨 abstract
小林 史緒(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Fumio Kobayashi (PhD student) Language: Japanese「個人史から見る南部イタリアの農民?労働者の運動――20世紀初頭プーリア地方におけるジュゼッペ?ディ?ヴィットーリオ」
“Peasant Movement in Early 20th-Century Southern Italy Looked through the Life of Giuseppe Di Vittorio (1892-1957)”討論者:篠原 琢(本学教授)
Commentator: Taku Shinohara (Professor) -
報告③ Presentation 3 (14:40-15:20) 要旨 abstract
名合 史子(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Fumiko Nago (PhD student) Language: Japanese「1990年代を捉える -ポスト冷戦移行期日本の歴史化における課題と視点」
“Capturing the 1990s: Perspectives on Historicizing Japan in Post-Cold War Transition”討論者:小田原 琳(本学教授)
Commentator: Rin Odawara (Professor) -
報告④ Presentation 4 (15:30-16:10) 要旨abstract
小島 クリッシィりか(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Chrissy Lika, Kojima (PhD student) Language: Japanese「日本からブラジルへの戦後移住―サンパウロ州グァタパラ移住地を事例として―」
“Postwar Migration from Japan to Brazil: The Case of the Col?nia Guatapará in the State of S?o Paulo”討論者:アンジェロ イシ(武蔵大学教授)
Commentator: Angelo Ishi (Professor of Musashi University) -
報告⑤ Presentation 5 (16:20-17:00) 要旨abstract
ドゥンガナ サラシュリ(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:英語
Dhungana Sarashree (PhD student) Language: English“Exploring the Origin and Evolution of South Asian Regionalism Through the Case Study of SAARC.”
討論者:中山 裕美(本学准教授)
Commentator: Yumi Nakayama (Associate Professor)
分科会IV:教育 13:00-17:00 司会:岡田 昭人(本学教授)
Session IV: Education (13:00-17:00) Chair: Akito Okada (Professor)-
報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:40) 要旨 abstract
トウムルバートル バトドラム (本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
Tumurbaatar Batdulam (PhD student) Language: Japanese「技能実習制度の再編と新制度「育成就労」の導入 -モンゴル人技能実習生を事例として-」
“The Restructuring of the Technical Intern Training Program and the Introduction of the New 'Development and Employment' System: A Case Study of Mongolian Technical Intern Trainees”討論者:末松 和子 (東北大学教授)
Commentator: Kazuko Suematsu (Professor of Tohoku University) -
報告② Presentation 2 (13:50-14:30) 要旨 abstract
ナラング サクシ(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:英語
Narang Sakshi (PhD student) Language: English“Beyond Economic Stability: Key Socio-Cultural Factors for Migrants’ Retention in Japan”
討論者:間 寧 (本学客員教授、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所主任研究員)
Commentator: Yasushi Hazama (Visiting Professor, TUFS: Senior Research Fellow IDE-JETRO) -
報告③ Presentation 3 (14:40-15:20) 要旨 abstract
サンチェス ジョン(本学博士後期課程) 使用言語:英語
Sanchez Jhon (PhD student) Language: English“Grade Retention Determinants and Consequences: The Relationship Between Stakeholders’ Characteristics and Beliefs Towards Grade Retention Effectiveness.”
討論者:間 寧 (本学客員教授、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所主任研究員)
Commentator: Yasushi Hazama (Visiting Professor, TUFS: Senior Research Fellow IDE-JETRO) -
報告④ Presentation 4 (15:30-16:10) 要旨abstract
イブロヒモワ ズライホ (本学博士後期課程) 使用言語:日本語
Ibrokhimova Zulaykho (PhD student) Language: Japanese「ウズベキスタンの高等教育の発展と課題:国家教育政策から見た教育の質保証」
“Development and Challenges of Higher Education in Uzbekistan: Quality Assurance from the Perspective of National Education Policy”討論者:野田 仁 (本学教授)
Commentator: Jin Noda (Professor) -
報告⑤ Presentation 5 (16:20-17:00) 要旨abstract
ハビーブ マリーナ バハー(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
HABIB Marina Bahaa (PhD student) Language: Japanese「日本語教育における異文化間教育の現状と課題 ―エジプトのアインシャムス大学を中心に―」
“Intercultural Education's Situation and Issues in Japanese Language Education: Focusing on Ain Shams University in Egypt”討論者:工藤 嘉名子 (本学教授)
Commentator: Kanako Kudo (Professor)
17:30-18:10 総会 General Meeting
分科会報告要旨集 Abstracts
言語① 堀江舞柚 Mayu Horie
現代スペイン語において、原因?理由を表す従属接続詞 como が導く副詞節は「常に主節に前置する」と言われる。この統語的特徴は、その他の接続詞と異なる独自の性質として頻繁に取り上げられ、como とその他の接続詞の違いを指摘する多くの先行研究において前提とされている。しかし、「como 節は常に主節に前置する」という記述の根拠や明確な定義、その信憑性については十分に論じられていない。
本発表では「原因?理由のcomo 節は本当に常に主節に前置するのか」という問題提起を行い、既存の定説に対して、その妥当性と根拠を問い直す。先行研究の精査やコーパスを用いた量的分析、インフォーマント調査に基づく質的調査を通じて、「原因?理由を表す como による副詞節は常に主節に前置される」ことを、根拠となるデータとともに確認する。
In contemporary Spanish, the subordinate conjunction como, which expresses cause, is said to always precedes its main clause. This syntactic feature has frequently been highlighted as a unique characteristic that distinguishes it from other conjunctions of cause. While there is extensive prior research pointing out the differences between como and other conjunctions based on this feature, the basis, definition, and credibility of the craim that “como clauses always precede their main clause” have not been thoroughly discussed.
言語② 下間彩加 Ayaka Shimotsuma
本発表の目的は、ラオ語における方向動詞/kh??n/「上がる」と/lo??/「下がる」の機能を明らかにすることである。方向動詞とは、文の核となる第一動詞(+補語)に後続して動作や状態の変化を表す第二動詞のことをさす。例えば、状態を表す動詞/sala?at/「賢い」に方向動詞/kh??n/「上がる」が後続して/sala?at kh??n/「賢くなる」を表す。同様に、状態を表す動詞/c??y/「痩せている」に/lo??/「下がる」が後続して/c??y lo??/「痩せる」を表す。
This presentation aims to clarify the function of directional verbs /kh??n/ ‘ascend’ and /lo??/ ‘descend’ in Lao. Directional Verb refers to a verb which appears in a sentence by following the main verb. For example, when the directional verb /kh??n/ ‘ascend’ follows the stative verb /sala?at/ ‘clever’ it intends /sala?at kh??n/ ‘become clever’. In the same way, when the directional verb /lo??/ ‘descend’ follows the stative verb /c??y/ ‘thin,’ it intends /c??y lo??/ ‘become thin’.
The data for this research are taken from three Lao modern fictions and are analyzed and classified based on semantic features of the main verb followed by /kh??n/ and /lo??/. This presentation, as a result, propose that both directional verbs /kh??n/ and /lo??/ in Lao indicate the change of direction in movement and the change of directional characteristics in state. Additionally, it became clear that /kh??n/ and /lo??/ also have a function to express the internal time structure.
言語③ 石橋裕子 Yuko Ishibashi
This presentation examines sentences with consecutive conditional clauses within a single complex sentence in modern Japanese (hereafter referred to as “consecutive conditionals”), focusing on cases where multiple conditional clauses relate to the main clause respectively (hereafter, “double-condition type”). The presenter has extracted approximately 200 examples of “double-condition” cases from the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ) and classified into three categories from the perspective of the relationships between conditional clauses: "parallel," "sequential," and "situational setting." "Parallel" refers to cases where conditional clauses can be interchanged, "sequential" to cases where clauses can be connected with the -te form, and "situational setting" to cases where neither rearrangement nor -te form connection is possible, with the first conditional clause establishing the situation for the subsequent event. This presentation highlights how the connection between conditional clauses differs in the latter two types of consecutive conditionals, challenging the traditional view that conditional clauses typically do not appear in succession. It argues that conditional clauses can appear consecutively within a sentence while retaining their clause-like nature, illustrating this with examples of the “double-condition type.”
言語④ 稲生秀俊 Hidetoshi Inoo
Change is an intrinsic property of language, closely linked to its essential nature. This study examines the diachronic changes in meaning and usage of English idioms (expressions with non-compositional meanings) to explore the motivations behind language change. Traditionally, idioms have often been treated in linguistics as exceptions within the lexicon or syntax. However, since Fillmore, Kay & O’Connor (1988), Construction Grammar has viewed them as phenomena deeply connected to the essence of language. Using corpus data, this study investigates the processes through which ‘on thin ice’ and ‘in the soup’ evolved from their literal meanings to idiomatic uses with figurative senses of “taking a risk” and “in trouble”, respectively. This study reveals the following changes: (1) a shift in registers from formal to casual; (2) variations in the person or animacy of the sentence subject or phrase head; and (3) a transition in collocating verbs from specific to more general ones.
変化は言語に内在する性質であり、言語の本質と深く関わっていると考えられる。本研究では、言語変化の動機を探る切り口として英語のイディオム(非構成的な意味を持つ表現)の通時的な意味と用法の変化を取り上げた。イディオムは伝統的な言語学では語彙と文法のいずれにも収まらない例外的な現象と扱われることがあった。しかし、Fillmore et al. (1988)以降の構文文法においては言語の本質に関わる現象として研究の対象となってきた。本研究ではon thin iceとin the soupが字義どおりの意味から修辞的な意味(‘危険を冒して’と‘苦境に陥って’)でイディオムとして使われるようになった過程をコーパス?データに基づいて調査した。本研究により以下の変化が明らかになった。1)使用域がフォーマルからカジュアルに、2)文の主語や句の主要部の人称や有生性、3)共起する動詞が特定のものから一般的なものへ。
言語⑤ 張舒鵬 Shupeng Zhang
Based on the discussion in Zhang (2024) (unpublished), this presentation takes evaluative adjectives such as “kawaii” and “kowai” and discusses their syntactic features in written materials, and then considers their relation to “evaluation”.
In order to clarify the characteristics of evaluative adjectives, Zhang (2024) took the typical example of evaluative adjectives “omoshiroi” using written language materials, and discussed the subject and syntactic characteristics of sentences in which the adjective is the main sentence predicate in comparison with the typical examples of attributive adjectives “ookii” and emotional adjectives “ureshii”. As a result, it was found that the subject form and syntactic features of “omoshiroi” sentences differ from those of “ookii” and “ureshii” sentences. In addition, the parts that indicate “active participation of the evaluator” and the part that indicates “the basis for evaluation” were observed to be prominent in the “omoshiroi” sentences.
These characteristics of “omoshiroi” may be related to the fact that it is an “evaluative adjective”. However, since a single word of “omoshiroi” alone is insufficient for discussion, this presentation will examine the results of Zhang's (2024) discussion by taking up other examples of evaluative adjectives.
文化① 大西達貴 Tatsuki Onishi
This presentation tries to examine the culture of photography in postwar Okinawa (Ryukyus) by applying the idea of “Vernacular Photographies” by Geoffrey Batchen. Right after the Battle of Okinawa, people took photographs as a business for military services. They gradually tried finding their own photographic expressions through forming societies and circles. Photographers in postwar Okinawa had quite various contexts that they become “photographer”. For example, Koshichi Taira (1939-94) desired to document people’s life and social movements like 1972’s reversion from U.S to Japan, Yasuo Higa (1938-2000) tried to gaze and know about various cultures had been lasting in Ryukyu Islands. In Okinawa, there have been many people who didn’t introduce themselves as photographer, like Shoko Ahagon (1901-2002) took photographs and the “works” became not only documents of U.S. military occupation but objects helping viewers tracing regional memory.
The concept to which the presenter refers in this presentation: “Vernacular Photographies” was defined as tactile image-contain objects (mainly printed photography) and their context which affected by local culture, and they have been excluded from photo history as artistic works. Following photographic cultural history in Okinawa with this idea as a clue, this presentation intends to approach a fundamental question: “What is the Photography for Okinawa?”.
文化② 堀大輔 Daisuke Hori
シチリアの作家アンドレア?カミッレーリは、歴史をテーマとした多くの作品を残しており、独自の手法が用いられたそれらの小説の持つ社会性が注目されている。カミッレーリは主に、18世紀、19世紀後半、そして20世紀前半のシチリアを舞台に設定し、それぞれの時代の持つ社会問題やイデオロギーの問題を浮き彫りにしてきた。Privo di titolo(『名もなき死者の物語』2005)においては、殺人事件とファシズムによる新都市計画をモチーフに、20世紀前半ファシズム期の共産主義とファシズムの関係が描かれる。カミッレーリは、本小説執筆に際し、参照したとされる文献からの情報を一定程度に踏襲しながら物語を作り上げている。しかし、登場人物のさらなる性格描写、喜劇的要素と悲劇的要素のコントラストの強調、時間軸の変更、書簡体小説のスタイルの採用、自身の実体験の描写などが加えられており、本小説においては歴史が新たな形へと再構築されている。カミッレーリが参照した文献と本小説を比較分析することで、カミッレーリがいかにしてフィクションを創造し、カミッレーリが文学的手法を通してどのような思想や歴史観を表現しているかを明らかにする。
Sicilian writer Andrea Camilleri produced a number of novels and short stories on historical topics. The social aspects of these works, as expressed through the use of unique literary techniques, continue to attract attention. His historical novels are mainly set in the eighteenth century, the second half of the nineteenth century, and the first half of the twentieth century, and they shed light on social problems and ideological issues in Sicily and other parts of Italy. His novel Privo di titolo, for example, describes the relationship between communists and fascists in the fascist era, centering on a murder case and a phantom city that had been conceived by fascists but never realized. Even though the novel is, to a certain extent, based on specific historical documents, it is clear that Camilleri reconstructs history from a new perspective, incorporating deeper character portrayals, a contrast between comic and tragic elements, shifts in chronology, the use of an epistolary style, and personal autobiographical elements. By analyzing Privo di titolo and comparing it with sources Camilleri used, this paper explores how he created fictional elements, and it attempts, as well, to reveal characteristics of his thinking and the historical perspective that he expressed through his particular literary techniques.
社会① バタライ ビノド Bhattarai Binod
Community forestry in Nepal has become a globally recognized model for sustainable forest management and rural development. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the evolution, implementation, and impact of community forestry in Nepal, focusing on the historical context, current status, and emerging challenges. Since the formal adoption of the Community Forestry Program (CFP) in 1993, more than 22,266 Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) have been established, managing over 2.3 million hectares of forest land. This program has led to a significant increase in forest cover from 29% in the 1990s to 44.74% in 2023, while contributing to poverty reduction and socio-economic development for nearly 2.9 million households. The paper highlights the socio-economic and environmental benefits of community forestry, including increased household income, women’s empowerment, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation. However, issues such as inequitable benefit-sharing, governance weaknesses, and the impacts of climate change pose new challenges. The study recommends strengthening governance structures, promoting inclusive participation, and integrating climate adaptation strategies into forest management plans to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program. By addressing these challenges, Nepal’s community forestry can continue to serve as a model for participatory natural resource management and sustainable development globally.
社会② 小林史緒 Fumio Kobayashi
Since Italy’s national unification, the peasants and workers of southern Italy have experienced significant changes, including northern Italy-centered politics, the development of capitalism and industrialization, agricultural depression, and the Great War. Under these circumstances, maintaining and improving their subsistence became a pressing issue. They lost land due to enclosures by landlords and were forced to work for wages on farms. As a result, they organized resistance movements to improve their situation. One of the leaders of these efforts in southern Italy was Giuseppe Di Vittorio from the Puglia region. Although he is well known for having served as general secretary of the Italian General Confederation of Labour and as president of the World Federation of Trade Unions, few studies seem to focus on his personal involvement in the movements in Puglia. This presentation focuses on Giuseppe Di Vittorio as one of various personal movement experiences of the agricultural communities of Puglia and examines how his experience can be placed in the broader context of the history of the social movements in southern Italy.
社会③ 名合史子 Fumiko Nago
For Japan, the transition from 1980s to the 1990s was a time of global and domestic changes accompanied by a series of political and social turbulence. On domestic levels, the abdication of the Showa emperor marked the end of the era and the beginning of Heisei that accelerated the movement to reflect on the long Showa period. On global levels, marked by the iconic fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and waves of democratization in Europe marked the post-Cold War. While this turbulent period can be situated as a recent “transitionary period” that leads up to the society today, the 1990s is often described as the “Age of loss” in the Japanese context and its historical significance remains ambiguous. How did the intellectual sphere and social movements in the 1990s contemporary respond to these visible changes? How can we narrate these shifts comprehensively? Focusing first on the analysis of existent literature that have attempted to historicize the 1990s, this presentation will examine the contemporary magazines “Jokyo,” “People’s Plan,” and “Impaction” to consider the perspectives in which this “transitionary period” can be approached today.
社会④ 小島クリッシィりか Chrissy Lika Kojima
The history of Japanese migration to Brazil began in 1908, and can be divided into two main groups, prewar migrants and postwar migrants. Approximately 188,000 migrants went to Brazil before World War II, and 60,000 migrants went after the war. Regarding the history of the Brazilian Japanese community, a master narrative has been created by prewar migrants and their descendants for over a hundred years. The existence of postwar migrants, who are few in number, has been converged into a majority narrative.
In this report, I show the characteristics of Brazilian Japanese migrants, especially postwar migrants, by discussing the data obtained during field research in Col?nia Guatapará in the state of S?o Paulo. Guatapará is known as the birthplace of Japanese migration by prewar migrants, but it has the curious characteristic that today only postwar migrants live in there. By focusing on the history and characteristics of this region, this study can reveal the postwar migrants who have not been adequately studied, and can present the existence of a minority group that converges with the master narrative."
社会⑤ ドゥンガナ サラシュリ Dhungana Sarashree
This paper delves into the dynamics of South Asian regionalism, using the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) as a case study. The region's political landscape, marked by the interplay between regional cooperation and polarisation, has significantly shaped the evolution of SAARC. The study traces the history of political relations in South Asia decolonisation in 1947, focusing on key events that have influenced interstate relations. It highlights the persistent tension between India and Pakistan, a central factor in regional politics. The emergence of SAARC in 1985 is examined, exploring its functional attributes and the power dynamics within the region. The organisation's formation was driven by both political and economic motivations, with smaller states seeking to balance the influence of larger countries like India and Pakistan. The paper posits that Mitrany's functionalism theory provides a useful framework for understanding SAARC's focus on "low-politics" issues, such as economic and social cooperation, despite deep-seated political divisions. However, the inherent mistrust and historical conflicts among member states have posed significant challenges to achieving deeper integration.
教育① トウムルバートル バトドラム Tumurbaatar Batdulam
The number of foreign workers in Japan is growing year by year. Since 2013, the number of foreign workers in Japan has reached a record high for eight consecutive years. The number of trainee technicians who arrived in Japan under the technical training system was 151,477 in 2012, but this figure has more than doubled in recent years. In light of this, there is no doubt that technical interns are one of the main factors contributing to the increase in the number of foreign workers in Japan. However, in recent years, this system has been discussed and reorganized from various perspectives.
In this presentation, we will use the example of Mongolian technical trainees to compare the existing technical internship system with the recently introduced training and employment system, as well as clarify the problems associated with both systems. Additionally, the presentation will address areas expected to be improved and aspects that remain challenging.
教育② ナラング サクシ Narang Sakshi
This paper investigates whether economic factors alone, such as job stability, salary levels, and financial well-being are sufficient to retain foreign residents in Japan. While in many countries high salaries and economic incentives are primary reasons for foreign residents to stay, Japan’s unique economic conditions suggest that socio-cultural factors may play an equally, if not more, influential role. Safety, cultural affinity, and the presence of family and social networks are particularly significant in the Japanese context, where high costs of living and relatively moderate salary levels mean that non-economic motivations are often prioritized by foreign residents. Using data from the “Survey on Foreign Residents, 2022,” conducted by the Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJDA) at the University of Tokyo, which captures responses from 999 foreign residents, this study applies a theoretical framework grounded in socio-economic and cultural integration theories to explore retention factors. This analysis combines quantitative methods to examine both economic and socio-cultural variables, seeking to determine the comprehensive set of factors that contribute to the longer-term stay of foreign residents. The findings will provide insights into how economic and non-economic dimensions interact in shaping the retention patterns of migrants in Japan, challenging the view that economic factors alone drive long-term residency.
教育③ サンチェス ジョン Sanchez Jhon
This study investigates the determinants for grade retention as well as the academic and non-academic consequences of grade retention in Colombian public schools. It also analyzes the beliefs and characteristics of stakeholders that influence grade retention. By analyzing data from basic education students who have repeated a grade before the age of 15 and those who have not, as well as data from their teachers and parents, the study aims to identify the determinants of grade retention and its long-term and short-term consequences on students’ academic achievement in core subjects and their attitudes toward school. Measures at the student, teacher, and parent levels employ items from PISA and TALIS surveys (2009 onward), as well as literature on grade retention predictors, academic failure inventories, teacher attribution, and psycho-educational decision-making. Regression analysis is used to analyze the determinants and consequences of grade retention, while correlation analysis is employed to examine the relationship between characteristics associated with retention. A review of the literature indicates that low academic achievement is the primary determinant of grade retention, although adherence to grade retention may be influenced by peer pressure and non-academic criteria. Comparisons between retained and promoted students reveal that while short-term academic and non-academic consequences may be favorable for retained students, long-term effects can be negative or null. Teaching experience, family engagement, education levels, and knowledge of the consequences of grade retention among both teachers and parents are strongly linked to adherence to grade retention as a strategy to create homogeneity in learning and classroom management.
本研究は、コロンビアの公立学校における留年の決定要因および学業?学業以外の両側目において検討することを主たる目的としている。また、学校をとりまく様々な関係者の信念や特殊性が留年の決定にどのように影響を与えるかを分析する。15歳までに留年を経験した生徒と未経験の生徒、さらに教師や親に関する様々なデータを分析し、留年が学業成績や学校に与える短期的および長期的な影響を明らかにする。以上の分析には本論では、PISAやTALIS 2009以降の調査項目、留年予測因子、学業不振インベントリ、教師の帰属理論、心理教育的意思決定に関する文献?資料を中心に検討する。
教育④ イブロヒモワ ズライホ Ibrokhimova Zulaykho
Uzbekistan gained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and subsequently reformed its education sector, including schooling, to distance itself from Soviet practices. As the Central Asian country with the largest population, over half of Uzbekistan's residents are under the age of 30, making education a particularly important focus. In recent years, Uzbekistan has undertaken large-scale reforms in higher education as part of the National Education Policy. Educational standards have been enhanced based on examples from other countries, leading to a restructuring of curricula and a reduction of non-specialized subjects. Additionally, a Credit Transfer System (CTS) was introduced, which began operating in higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan from the 2020 academic year. This presentation will discuss the implementation of the CTS, its impact on ensuring the quality of education, and the changes in higher education programs.
教育⑤ ハビーブ マリーナ バハー Habib Marina Bahaa
This study examines the current practices and challenges of intercultural education within Japanese language education at Ain Shams University in Egypt, aiming to provide insights into enhancing educational effectiveness. Intercultural education plays a vital role in enabling learners to deeply understand the target culture and promotes mutual understanding, an essential aspect in Japanese language education. However, the implementation of intercultural education at Ain Shams University faces challenges in terms of resources and institutional support. This study conducted surveys and interviews with Japanese language learners and instructors, investigating the teaching methodologies, resource adequacy, and student sensitivity to intercultural awareness. Findings reveal that while students' understanding and interest in Japanese culture have grown, limitations such as inadequate educational infrastructure for specialized intercultural education significantly hinder effectiveness. In response to these issues, this study proposes expanding educational resources, introducing exchange programs between Japan and Egypt, and enhancing teacher expertise, providing concrete suggestions for sustaining the long-term development of intercultural education.