TUFSグローバル?スタディーズ学会 2023年度(第4回)大会?総会プログラム
The Fourth Convention and General Meeting of the Association of Global Studies (AGS-TUFS)

大会概要 Date & Program

Date : February 11, 2024 (Sun.)

Venue: Online (Zoom) *Details to be announced separately (AGS-TUFS Members only)

連絡先: (Email): ags.tufs[at]gmail.com ([at]を@に変えてください)
Inquiry: ags.tufs[at]gmail.com

プログラム Program

10:00-12:00 全体会:「科学?宗教?文学」
       Plenary Session: “Science, Religion, Literature”

     司会:久野 量一(本学教授)Chair: Ryoichi KUNO (Professor)

     登壇: 水野 善文(本学教授)Yoshifumi MIZUNO(Professor)
         八木 久美子(本学教授)Kumiko YAGI (Professor)
         吉本 秀之(本学教授)Hideyuki YOSHIMOTO (Professor)

     ディスカッサント:山口 裕之(本学教授)
     Discussant: Hiroyuki YAMAGUCHI (Professor)

13:00-15:35 分科会Thematic Sessions

  • 分科会I:言語 13:00-14:40  司会:金指 久美子氏(本学教授)
    Session I: Language (1300-1440) Chair: Kumiko KANAZASHI (Professor)
  • 報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:45) 要旨 abstract
    山藤 顕(本学特別研究員、総合国際学研究院)使用言語:日本語
    Akira SANDO (Research fellow, Global Studies) Language: Japanese

    “Notation of Japanese Person Names and Place Names in Afrikaans”

  • 報告② Presentation 2 (13:55-14:40) 要旨 abstract
    グエン?リン?ラン(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語Linh Lan NGUYEN (PhD student) Language: Japanese

    “The possibility of using picture books with a lot of dialogues for elementary level Japanese speaking classes in a Vietnamese university”

  • 分科会II:文学 13:00-14:40   司会:山口 裕之(本学教授)
    Session II: Literature (1300-1440) Chair: Hiroyuki YAMAGUCHI (Professor)

    • 報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:45) 要旨 abstract
      黄 逸松(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
      Yisong HUANG (PhD student) Language: Japanese

      “Research on the tradition of waka inherited by Hosokawa Yūsai from the Sanzy?nisi family ―Using the opening 100 waka poems of Sy?my?sy? as a clue―”

      討論者:藤井 嘉章(本学非常勤講師、日本学術振興会特別研究員)
      Commentator: Yoshiaki FUJII (Part-time Lecturer; JSPS Research Fellow)

    • 報告② Presentation 2 (13:55-14:40) 要旨 abstract
      Diana IDZIEVA (PhD student) Language: Japanese

      「今村夏子『あひる』論 ──自我形成と他者──」
      “The Duck by Natsuko Imamura: Self-formation and the Other”

      討論者:邵 丹(本学講師)
      Commentator: Dan SHAO (Lecturer)

  • 分科会III:社会 13:00-15:35   司会:木村 暁(本学准教授)
    Session III: Society (1300-1535) Chair: Satoru KIMURA (Associate Professor)

    • 報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:45) 要旨 abstract
      太田原 建(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
      Ken OTAHARA (PhD student) Language: Japanese

      「フリードリヒ1世?バルバロッサによるゲルンハウゼンの建設 ―中世盛期ドイツにおける王宮都市と統治空間の再編成―」
      “The Founding of Palace-City Gelnhausen by Frederick I Barbarossa: A Royal Commercial City and Reorganization of the Space of Rule in high-medieval Germany”

      討論者:川本 智史(本学講師)
      Commentator: Satoshi KAWAMOTO (Lecturer)

    • 報告② Presentation 2 (13:55-14:40) 要旨 abstract
      田 文俊(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:日本語
      Wenjun TIAN (PhD student) Language: Japanese

      “Social Networks of Chinese Gay Men: A Study of Customers in Gay Bars”

      討論者:竹田 恵子(本学講師)
      Commentator: Keiko TAKEDA (Lecturer)

    • 報告③ Presentation 3 (14:50-15:35) 要旨 abstract
      Vargas Rodriguez ROGELIO (PhD student) Language: English

      “Securing Democracy? The National Security State from Theory to Practice”

      討論者:吉﨑 知典(本学特任教授)
      Commentator: Tomonori YOSHIZAKI (Specially Appointed Professor)

  • 分科会IV:教育 13:00-14:40   司会:若松 邦弘(本学教授)
    Session IV: Education (1300-1440) Chair: Kunihiro WAKAMATSU (Professor)

    • 報告① Presentation 1 (13:00-13:45) 要旨 abstract
      Yuxi GUO (PhD student) Language: English

      “The continuing admiration of native speakerism in ELT industry: a thematic analysis of online English education institutions’ PR rhetoric”

      討論者:間 寧(本学客員教授、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所主任研究員)
      Commentator: Yasushi HAZAMA (Visiting Professor, TUFS; Senior Research Fellow, IDE-JETRO)

    • 報告② Presentation 2 (13:55-14:40) 要旨 abstract
      大西 亮平(本学博士後期課程)使用言語:英語
      Ryohei ONISHI (PhD student) Language: English

      “Internalization in students and educators through Sustainability Education Through Foreign Language Learning(SETFLL)”

      討論者:吉冨 朝子(本学教授)
      Commentator: Asako YOSHITOMI (Professor)

16:00-16:40総会General Meeting

分科会報告要旨集 Abstracts

言語① 山藤 顕 Akira SANDO

アフリカーンス語は表記と発音を限りなく近づけようとする言語であり、その結果日本人名?地名等の表記に影響を及ぼしている。アフリカーンス語以外のゲルマン語全体では現在、ヘボン式が主流であるが、アフリカーンス語は音に合わせた表記を用いる。例えば、前内閣総理大臣の「菅義偉」を”Josjihide Soega”と表記し、「ススキノ」を"Soesoekino”と表記している例がアフリカーンス語の新聞で確認ができる。しかし、同新聞内においてヘボン式表記の”Yoshihide Suga”といった例も確認される。

日本人名?地名等の表記をアフリカーンス語式で表記する際に決まった表記ルールがまだない。そのため、アフリカーンス語式で表記したとしても、複数の表記パターン(九州:Kyushu, Kiosjoe, Kijoeshoe, Kjoeshoe)やアフリカーンス語の音と英語の音と混ざる表記パターン(東福寺:Tofoekoeji)も存在し、どのように表記を行うか混乱の状態にある。本発表では、アフリカーンス語の新聞サイトであるNetwerk24を中心に用いて、日本人名?地名等を表記する際に発生する問題について報告を行う。

Afrikaans is a language that strives to closely align spelling with pronunciation, resulting in an impact on the representation of Japanese names and place names. While the Hepburn system currently prevails among Germanic languages other than Afrikaans, Afrikaans utilizes a spelling based on pronunciation. For instance, in an Afrikaans newspaper, one can find examples such as the former Prime Minister of Japan, "菅義偉(Yoshihide Suga)", written as "Josjihide Soega", and "ススキノ(Susukino)" as "Soesoekino". However, within the same newspaper, examples using the Hepburn system, such as "Yoshihide Suga", can also be found.

Currently, there are no established rules for the notation of Japanese personal names and place names in Afrikaans style. Consequently, even when using Afrikaans-style spelling, confusion arises due to multiple notation patterns (e.g., 九州: Kyushu, Kiosjoe, Kijoeshoe, Kjoeshoe) and mixed patterns of Afrikaans and English spellings (e.g., 東福寺: Tofoekoeji). In this presentation, we will report on the issues that arise when translating Japanese personal names and place names into Afrikaans, focusing on the Afrikaans newspaper website Netwerk24.

言語② グエン?リン?ラン Linh Lan NGUYEN


Pictures are the most commonly used visual teaching tool in foreign language education. In the field of foreign language education, there have been many previous studies that have examined the effects of picture books, comic strips, and other teaching materials that combine pictures and text on speaking abilities such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. However, the effect on Japanese speaking ability, which is the main interest of this researcher, has not been sufficiently researched. Furthermore, it is still necessary to consider what kind of effect this teaching material can have on adult learners, and whether it is suitable for the elementary level of Japanese. Therefore, this presentation will examine previous research on picture books and comic strips in foreign language speaking classes, and also analyze the experiences of adult learners who studied with picture books that has many dialogue lines through group activities in an elementary-level Japanese speaking class at a university in Vietnam conducted by the author, in order to examine the possibility of introducing picture books in speaking classes. Furthermore, the author will present the challenge of developing picture book materials for beginner-level speaking classes according to the situation of Japanese language education and the class format at the author's university.

文学① 黄 逸松 Yisong HUANG



Many previous studies have argued about the facts that Hosokawa Yūsai (1534-1610) had received the instruction of the Kokinwakasy? from Sanzy?nisi Saneki (1511-1579) and inherited the traditional Nijō school’s waka style. In fact, many of Yūsai's waka poems themselves are considered to fit the Nijō school's style of waka, and the relationship between the Nijō school and Yūsai is an essential point when discussing Yūsai. However, it seems that the tradition of waka other than the instruction of the Kokinwakasy? has not been sufficiently discussed.

In this report, we will discuss the opening 100 waka poems of Yūsai 's collection of waka poems, Sy?my?sy?. We will consider questions such as what kind of tradition of waka there is,other than the instruction of the Kokinwakasy?, how it is reflected in Yūsai 's waka works, and what significance it has.

Specifically, the purpose of this research is to attempt to demonstrate that Yūsai had inherited the 100 waka poems from the poets of the Sanzy?nisi family, from two aspects as waka poem titles and expressions. Moreover, we will highlight the deep relationship between Yūsai and the Sanzy?nisi family.

文学② ジアーナ?イドジーエヴァ Diana IDZIEVA


This presentation examines Natsuko Imamura's novel, The Duck, published in 2017. Like many of Imamura's works, this novel focuses on a marginalized character who struggles to integrate into society. As in the Akutagawa Prize-winning novel, The Woman in the Purple Skirt, the protagonist of The Duck is excluded from the story and not only does not speak about herself but is also treated as invisible and neglected by others around her. Since family problems, which were not discussed in the Akutagawa Prize-winning work, are placed at the forefront of the story, our analysis will focus on the image of the protagonist that emerges from these relationships. The protagonist avoids interpersonal relationships and seems to have anxiety about her ego as a result of being alienated by her parents, who are supposed to be the closest to her. Even though it is not directly mentioned in the novel, the influence of the parent-child relationship on the formation of the ego has been a social issue in recent years, and for that reason, this presentation considers the theme by citing specific examples.

社会① 太田原 建 Ken OTAHARA


The itinerant Kingship of the medieval German Kingdom is based on royal palaces scattered throughout the realm. These royal palaces served not only as 'Places of Power,' where royal power was not only consolidated and materialized through the King’s diverse ruling practices, but also permeated into the surrounding space. Palaces built by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa are often characterized by their close connection to cities, known as Palace-Cities, functioning as “Places of Trade.” What impact did this dual-meaning “place” have on the spatial structure in which it was located? This presentation will focus on Gelnhausen, one of the Palace-Cities founded by Barbarossa. Through the analysis of the city’s structure, the issuance of new coins coinciding with its founding, the decoration of the palace, and the changes in Barbarossa’s itinerary, it will be concluded that the founding of Gelnhausen transformed the regional space into a new trading area in proximity to the king and played a role in integrating the historical space of the Kingdom of Burgundy.

社会② 田 文俊 Wenjun TIAN




In the context of an increasingly challenging environment for acceptance of gay individuals in China, the author aims to explore the social interactions of gay men, focusing on customers in gay bars. The emergence of gay bars satisfies the desire of gay individuals for real-world connections, fostering intimate relationships within the bar, including with heterosexuals. However, these intimate relationships tend to be more centered on sexual connections, and due to the prevailing societal discrimination against homosexuality, such connections formed in bars often do not extend into the participants’ real-life social circles.

To understand why male homosexuals tend to gather in gay bars in real-life society, the author believes it is essential to clarify the significance of going to bars for gay men. In July 2023, the author conducted semi-structured interviews with gay customers in gay bars. While this manuscript challenges assumptions based on prior research, it introduces hypotheses not found in existing studies, contributing to the academic significance of this work.

社会③ バルガス?ロドリゲス?ロヘリオ Vargas Rodriguez ROGELIO

The study of the ‘national security state’ traditionally focuses on the opaque relationship between security-seeking imperatives and democratic governance in the United States. Although previous research has broadened the concept beyond the American context, further work is necessary to refine its definition and scope. I advocate for its universal applicability to democratic nations and strive to concretize the term, enabling its use in explaining the tangible political reorganization that stems from the abstract pursuit of national security. Drawing from a historical-qualitative analysis of previous literature, this paper identifies five constant characteristics of the national security state as an analytical concept: 1) it is contextually positioned in socio-political discussions as the precursor of the “garrison state,” where the use of violence as a policy tool is normalized; 2) it is phenomenon proper of democratic nations, and it operates on a foundation that is legally permissible but ethically questionable; 3) it enhances strategic centralization, deterrence, preparedness and war-readiness; 4) in the economic realm it is expressed through the military-industrial complex and its evolved versions; 5) it is ideationally rooted in IR realism, understood as a self-help mechanism to counter perceived threats resulting from international anarchy, shaped by national security intellectuals and practitioners and reproduced by government and media. This article forges a comprehensive definition based on theoretical and historical analysis, capturing the nuances that have been given to the concept in the academic sphere. This framework is useful to study states’ security-driven actions and the impact of intellectuals and IR theory on security policy formulation.

教育① グオ?ユゥシ Yuxi GUO

Regardless the impacts from both the ‘’double reduction’ policy released by The Ministry of Education and the global pandemic, the development of private ELT industry continues in China as the public’s craze towards English learning keeps rising up. Private ELT industry plays an important role in providing English lessons outside the schooltime. Because it is service-orient in nature, its stance to English learning represents the public’s stance to English learning to some extent. Institutions’ official websites function to market online as the mouthpiece of their own understandings regarding to ELT and reflect the popular demand from the general public. Textual data is collected from ten online English language teaching institutions’ websites, the author aims to discuss how native language ideology is articulated with private online English teaching institutions’ PR rhetoric, and to analyze that how the vicious cycle which perpetuating and reproducing the native speakerism language ideology mediates the communication between institutions and the public. Indicating how language use is the reflection of language ideologies, and how language ideologies under-grid social practices which further creates more social inequalities. This research hopes to provide a critical perspective probing the ongoing existence of admiring native speakerism language ideology in the ELT industry in China, and evoking the awareness of the public by offering the perspective of understanding English as a lingua franca.

教育② 大西 亮平 Ryohei ONISHI

This presentation reports a case of CLIL-based English reading class practiced by the presenter, with SDGs as content delivered to CEFR B1-level university students. The presenter is a professional interpreter and a part-time instructor at a university in Kyoto. Since this was a new practice for the presenter, reflective journals were taken after each class to enable action research later. In retrospect, the journals provided the presenter with lessons to learn when practicing CLIL with SDGs. WIth the lessons in mind, this research aims at developing future educators of English that can practice CLIL to teach sustainability.

The research also focuses on the internalization process on sustainability issues by students and educators. The presentation includes a literature review on internalization from different disciplines such as peace education and interpreting studies. The research aims to suggest a learning model for students and educators to internalize sustainability issues through foreign language learning.

過去の大会 / Past Convention