2018年4月5日(木)、第33回「佐藤栄作賞」(主催=佐藤栄作記念国連大学協賛財団)の受賞論文が発表され、本学博士後期課程のイアン?カルシガリラさん(大学院総合国際学研究科国際社会専攻3年)の論文'The World Population Tsunami and The UN’s Role'が優秀賞に選ばれました。

I feel greatly honored to be the Brilliance Prize winner of the 33rd United Nations University’s Eisaku Sato Essay Contest. Most of the ideas I shared in this essay reflected on my idea on world peace and security borrowing from my personal life directly or indirectly.
Therefore, the award gives me confidence that the world has ears and the voices of importance are always heard.
I have confidence that, this award is yet a warning signal for even much needed effort to confront the tough terrain of this ever changing world we call home. In my winning essay, I intimated the population catastrophe that is threatening the world peace and security and my view on how a harmony can be extracted from available rare peace opportunities. We have a responsibility as a human race to change the way we look at our regeneration lest we go into extinction.
This award was not a single-handed effort. I would like to thank my family for continued support, my lecturers as well as my fellow students at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies without whom this achievement would still be a dream.