2017年9月29日(金)、2017(平成29)年度秋入学式が行われ、大学院総合国際学研究科博士前期課程17名(世界言語社会専攻 平和構築?紛争予防専修コース12名、国際日本専攻日本語教育リカレント?コース5名)、同研究科博士後期課程5名(国際社会専攻 平和構築?紛争予防専修分野5名)の入学が許可されました。
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TUFS graduation address

As President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, or TUFS, I would like to congratulate all of you here today who are now enrolled in the Graduate School of Global Studies for the Peace and Conflict Studies course under the Master's program in Global Studies, Recurrent Course in Japanese Language Education under the Master's Program in Japan Studies, and the Doctoral program on Area and International Studies.
TUFS prides itself on being one of the oldest national universities in Japan. Its origins date back to Bansho Shirabesho (Institute for Research of Foreign Documents - a government translation bureau), established in 1857, and the school itself was founded under the name Tokyo Gaikokugo Gakko (Tokyo School of Foreign Languages) in 1873, approximately 140 years ago.
After coming through the twists and turns of the history of the modernization of Japan, the school restarted in 1949 as a new-system university under the name "Tokyo Gaikokugo Daigaku".
A significant milestone at that time was, while retaining the traditional Japanese name "Tokyo Gaikokugo", its English name was changed from "Foreign Languages" to the broader "Foreign Studies". With this, the university's mission, leading into the 21st century, was also clearly defined. That is, "The mission of TUFS shall be to conduct research and instruction, both theoretical and practical, on the world's languages and the cultures within which they are rooted, to provide a high degree of cultural refinement such as is necessary to engage in international activities, and to deepen understanding of all regions of the world through the study of their languages."
More than sixty years on, TUFS has created a global campus, supporting approximately 3,900 Japanese students and approximately 600 international students from all over the world. The undergraduate school is made up of the School of Language and Culture Studies and the School of International and Area Studies, with the addition of the Japanese Language Center for International Students, a preparatory school for entrance to Japanese universities. The Graduate School of Global Studies has both master's and doctoral programs, while the Research Institute for the Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa serves as the International Research Center. Thus, TUFS is "a leading center for higher education and advanced research into the languages, cultures and societies of countries and regions all over the world", and continues to aim to become an ever more excellent global university.
It was with the above-mentioned university's mission in mind, that the Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) - Master's Degree Program was launched in April 2004, and this now constitutes one of the most distinctive courses taught at any Japanese university. Taught mostly in English, the course pursues the concepts of "building peace and preventing conflict", and aims to nurture human resources who will play an active role, both practically and theoretically, in regions throughout the world. We have already produced some 100 graduates from 50 countries, many of whom have gone on to work for governmental agencies including the embassies, international institutions, NGOs and educational institutions.
The Recurrent Course in Japanese Language Education is a new course established in April 2016 aiming to nurture professional human resources with high abilities in Japanese education. We expect you to develop practical abilities in Japanese education through the high expertise in Japanese language which TUFS had fostered and through acquiring specialized skills in teaching the language.
I once had an opportunity to speak to Mr. Yasushi Akashi, who once served as the United Nations Under-Secretary-General. Mr. Akashi told me that, from an academic point of view, in order to play an active role in an international institution made up of people from many different regions around the world, it is necessary to study international relations from a cultural anthropological perspective. And, as a human being, it is necessary to have communication skills which enable one not only to speak, but also to listen carefully to the opinions and points of view of others.
I hope that all of you will learn as much as you can from our curriculum and build enriching interpersonal relationships with the Japanese students and international students who have come from all around the world to this Fuchu campus. It is my hope that all of you will devote yourselves to your studies on this multicultural, multilingual global campus and that, in the near future, you will go out into the world, and serve as "bridges" between Japan and your home countries and between your home countries and many different regions of the world.
Thank you, and welcome to TUFS.
September 29, 2017
President, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies