

Excavation of the Lal-lo Shell Middens



Grant-in-Aid for International Scientific Research (Field Research)

The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture


                                                                                                                                         尋媶戙昞幰    彫愳丂塸暥


                                                                                                                                      Hidefumi Ogawa                                                                                                                                                         丂丂丂丂丂丂Tokyo University of Foreign Studies



      尋媶戙昞幰      彫愳塸暥(搶嫗奜崙岅戝妛丒奜崙岅妛晹丒彆嫵庼)

      尋媶暘扴幰      惵桍梞帯(忋抭戝妛丒奜崙岅妛晹丒嫵庼丄傾僕傾暥壔尋媶強丒強挿)

      尋媶暘扴幰      彫抮桾巕(棟妛攷巑銖B戝妛丒戝妛堾丒嫵庼)

      尋媶暘扴幰      旙愹妜擇(憗堫揷戝妛丒暥妛晹丒島巘)

      尋媶暘扴幰      僂僀儖僼儗僪丒儘儞僉儕僆(僼傿儕僺儞崙棫攷暔娰丒峫屆妛晹栧丒晹挿)

      尋媶暘扴幰      儐僙價僆丒僨傿僜儞(暥妛攷巑t傿儕僺儞崙棫攷暔娰丒峫屆妛晹栧丒庱惾尋媶堳)

      尋媶嫤椡幰      揷拞榓旻(忋抭戝妛丒暥妛晹丒島巘)

      尋媶嫤椡幰      戝堜怣晇(棟妛攷巑)




惵桍梞帯丒彫愳塸暥丒揷拞榓旻(Aoyagi, Y. Ogawa, H. and Tanaka, K.)

1996     t傿儕僺儞杒晹丄儅僈僺僢僩奓捤偺敪孈偲弌搚憰恎嬶A崙暘捈堦愭惗暷庻婰擮榑暥廤丂棲栁尮曇亀僸僩丒儌僲丒僐僩僶偺恖椶妛亁丗pp372-383丄宑桭幮 (Magapit Shell Midden Excavation and its Ornaments. In Special Issue for the Eighty-eight years anniversary of Dr. Kokubu, Naoichi. Ryu Mogen (ed.) Anthropology of Man, Material and Language.372-389. Keiyusha, Tokyo. In Japanese)

Aoyagi, Y., H. Ogawa and K. Tanaka

     1997      Excavation, and Ornaments Discovered at the Magapit Shell-midden Site, in Northern Luzon. 亀忋抭傾僕傾妛亁15: 167-180.

Bautista, Angel

      1996a   Animal/Human Remains from Bangag I, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1996b   Animal Remains from Dombrique Site, Catugan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1996c   Field Report on Lal-lo Archaeology Project, August-September 1996. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

      1997     Zoo archaeological materials from Bangag Archaeological Site. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

de la Torre, Amalia

      1995     Brief Report: The Lal-lo, Cagayan Archaeological Project 1995. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1996    Brief Report: Cagayan Valley Archaeological Project, Santa Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan from February 7 to March 3, 1996. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1997       Rapid Cave Assessment Report of Mabangog Cave located at San Mariano, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

2000      Preliminary Report of the Lal-lo, Cagayan Archaeological Project: Clemente Irigayen Property Site (II-1995-O), Sta. Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan. 亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁20: 67-110.

Garong, Ame M.

1996a   A Report on the Archaeological Excavation in Fausto Sison Sr., Shell Midden Site in Barangay Catayauan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

1996b   Progress Report on the 1996 Archaeological Excavation of the Conciso Property Shell Midden Site in Barangay Catayauan, Lal-lo, Cagayan. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

彫愳塸暥(Ogawa, Hidefumi)

1996a   亀庪椔嵦廤柉僱僌儕僩偺峫屆妛乕嫟惗娭學偑採婲偡傞彅栤戣乕亁丄僗僠儏傾乕僩 僿儞儕()亀嵦廤庪椔柉偺尰嵼亁丗183-222, 尵憄幮(Archaeology of the Negrito Hunter-Gatherers - the archaeological problems on the Symbiotic, Interdependent relationships between Hunter-gatherers and Farmers. Henry Stuart (ed.) Gatherer-Hunter, Today. : 183-222. Tokyo: Gensosha,. In Japanese)丂丂

1996b   寭靸A僕傾峫屆妛傊偺彽懸A媑懞嶌帯曇亀悽奅峫屆妛亁丗65108丄桳斻妕 (Introduction to Southeast Asian Archaeology. In S. Yoshimura (ed.) World Archaeology: 65-108. Tokyo: Yuhikaku. In Japanese)

1997    L捤峖悈揱愢乕僼傿儕僺儞丄儖僜儞搰杒晹僇僈儎儞壨壓棳堟偵偍偗傞奓嵦廤柉偺柉懓峫屆妛 亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁17:119-166(Shell Midden was made by the Noachian Deluge.-Ethnoarchaeology of the Shell Middens and Shell Gatherers in the Lower Cagayan River, Northern Luzon, Philippines-. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 17:119-166. In Japanese)

1998       Problems and Hypotheses on the Prehistoric Lal-lo, Northern Luzon, Philippines - Archaeological Study on the        Prehistoric Interdependence between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers in the Tropical Rain Forest -亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁10: 123-166

1999a   乽搶撿傾僕傾偲擔杮偺奓捤偺斾妑乿亀婫姧峫屆妛亁66:29-34(The Comparison between Southeast Asian and Japanese Shell Midden Sites. Quaternary Journal of Archaeology 66:29-34. In Japanese)

1999b   峫屆妛幰偑採帵偡傞庪椔嵦廤幮夛僀儊乕僕乿亀柉懓妛尋媶亁63-2:192-202 (Archaeologist乫s Image of Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Asia. The Japanese Journal of Ethnology 63-2:192-202. In Japanese)

1999c       Excavation of the Mabangog Cave, San Mariano, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines.亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁19: 93-114, Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology19: 93-114

1999d   ⿷R偲惗嬈乿忋抭戝妛傾僕傾暥壔尋媶強曇亀怴斉擖栧搶撿傾僕傾尋媶亁:23-35丄傔偙傫 (Natural settings and Subsistence of Southeast Asia. In Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University (ed.) Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies, new edition: 23-35. Tokyo: Mekong. In Japanese)

1999e   寭靸A僕傾丂敪孈偺楌巎偲峫屆妛A媑懞嶌帯曇亀搶撿傾僕傾偺壺傾儞僐乕儖{儘僽僪僁乕儖亁丄暯杴幮

2000a   霔聧虖W柉偲擾峩柉偺岎棳亅憡屳娭學偺帇妏亅A彫愳塸暥曇亀岎棳偺峫屆妛亁: 266-295丄娾嶈戩栫娔廋亀僔儕乕僘 尰戙偺峫屆妛亁戞5姫丄挬憅彂揦 (Prehistoric Interactions between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers- special reference on the interdependency. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).

2000b   崢_丂岎棳峫屆妛偺壜擻惈丄彫愳塸暥曇亀岎棳偺峫屆妛亁: 1-20丄娾嶈戩栫娔廋亀僔儕乕僘 尰戙偺峫屆妛亁戞5姫丄挬憅彂揦(Introduction - Perspectives in Archaeology of Interaction. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).

Orogo, Alfredo
1995      Preliminary Report: Result: Result of Archaeological Exploration and Excavation conducted at Lal-lo, Cagayasn Province, July 28 to August 26, 1995. Typescript, National Museum, Manila.

Ronquillo, W. P. and H. Ogawa

1996     The Calatagan Archaeological Project: A Summary Report.亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁16:133-147. (Journal of Southeast Asian

Archaeology16: 133-147

揷拞榓旻(Tanaka , Kazuhiko)

1996     媰\儞搰杒晹偵偍偗傞曽妏愇晙偵敽偆搚婍偺専摙乕捑愽偵傛傞楢懕旽宍暥搚婍偺専摙乕w搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁16:149-160(The Typological Analysis of the Pottery associated with the Quadrangular Stone Adzes excavated in Northern Luzon - The analysis of the pottery with the incised diamond pattern and a circular impression in each diamond pattern-. Journal of Southeast Asian
16:149-160. in Japanese)

1997a   J僩僁僈儞奓捤偺敪孈挷嵏w搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁17:210-225 (Preliminary Report of the Excavation of Catugan Shell-midden, Lal-lo Cagayan, Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 17:210-225, in Japanese)

      1997b   The Kite Photography of Bangag I Shell-midden Site, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology17 :197 -209.

1998a    Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Excavation of Catugan Shell-midden (Dombrique Site), Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. 亀愮梩宧垽抁婜戝妛弶摍嫵堢壢婭梫亁戞20崋丗149-177

      1998b   T儞丒儘儗儞僜III奓捤(僔儕僶儞堚愓)偺敪孈挷嵏偲偦偺栤戣w搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁18:263-289

1998c      Problems and Excavation of San Lorenzo III Shell Midden (Siriban Site), Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. Bulletin of Showa Academia Musicae 18: 109-135.

1998d   媰\儞搰杒晹丄儔儘奓捤孮丄僶僈僢僌I奓捤偺敪孈挷嵏偲庒姳偺栤戣w忋抭傾僕傾妛亁16: 171-211

1998e   媰\儞搰杒晹丄僇僈儎儞愳拞棳堟丄僒儞僞}儕傾挰丄僉僫價僈儞懞偺搚婍嶌傝w娐嫬忣曬尋媶亁6: 123-152

1999a   t傿儕僺儞丄儔儘奓捤亅嫄戝奓捤偺敪孈偲惉壥w婫姧峫屆妛亁66: 75-78

1999b   The Archaeological Excavation of Bangag I Shell Midden, Lal-lo, Cagayan, Philippines. 亀搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁19: 71-92

2000     穻棗饒諅苾t傿儕僺儞掅抧幮夛偺幮夛摑崌夁掱A彫愳塸暥曇亀岎棳偺峫屆妛亁丄娾嶈戩栫娔廋亀僔儕乕僘 尰戙偺峫屆妛亁戞5姫丄挬憅彂揦 (Long Distance Trade and Process of Social Integration in the Philippine Lowland Society. In H. Ogawa (ed.) Archaeology of Interactions. (Archaeology Today Series Vol. 5), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. In Japanese).


      1999     Batissa childreni偺婫愡揑惉挿僷僞乕儞偲巰朣婫愡嵏掕偺壜擻惈(梊嶡)w搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛亁19: 57-69



1. Hidefumi Ogawa (彫愳塸暥)

Shell Midden was made by the Noachian Deluge- Prehistory of the Lower Cagayan River, Northern Luzon, Philippines -. International Conference for the Philippines Studies, Hawaii University, May, 1996  崙嵺僼傿儕僺儞尋媶幰夛媍敪昞梫巪丄僴儚僀戝妛丄1996

2. Hidefumi Ogawa and Kazuhiko Tanaka乮彫愳塸暥c拞榓旻乯

Excavation and Ornaments Discovered at the Magapit Shell-midden Site in Northern Luzon, Philippines.

SPAFA Conference on Current Development of Southeast Asian Archaeology and Museum Studies. National Museum, Manila, Philippines, May 5 to 11, 1997.SPAFA搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛幰夛媍敪昞梫巪丄僼傿儕僺儞崙棫攷暔娰丄儅僯儔丄1997

3. 彫愳塸暥


Archaeologist乫s Images of Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Asian Archaeology. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Ethnology at Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, May 1998.

4. Hidefumi Ogawa乮彫愳塸暥乯

Image of Jomon Hunter-Gatherers Represented by Japanese Archaeology. 戞俉夞庪椔嵦廤柉尋媶崙嵺夛媍乮Paper presented at the 8th International Conference for the Hunter-Gatherers Studies (CHAGS 8), at National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Oct., 1998乯敪昞梫巪丄崙棫柉懓妛攷暔娰丄戝嶃丄1998

5. 彫愳塸暥

寭靸A僕傾偲擔杮偺奓捤偺斾妑A搶撿傾僕傾峫屆妛夛 23夞戝夛丄搶嫗戝妛丄1999622

6. 揷拞榓旻


7. 揷拞榓旻


8. 揷拞榓旻


9. 揷拞榓旻

t傿儕僺儞丄僇僇儎儞愳壓棳堟儔儘奓捤孮偺峫屆妛挷嵏乗僶僈僢僌I (Bangag I)奓捤偺峫屆妛揑挷嵏偲弌搚堚暔乗A忋抭巎妛夛戞48夞戝夛丄19981122

10. 揷拞榓旻


11. 揷拞榓旻




彫愳塸暥(Ogawa, Hidefumi)

1998     t傿儕僺儞偱峫屆妛丠w寧姧Keidanren亁戞46 2:58-59丄宱嵪抍懱楢崌夛(Archaeology in the Philippines? Keidanren 46-2: 58-59. In Japanese.)