松永 泰行 (MATSUNAGA Yasuyuki)

氏名 / Name 松永 泰行 (MATSUNAGA Yasuyuki)
所属職名 / Affiliation 大学院総合国際学研究院/教授
Institute of Global Studies/Professor
電子メール / Email matsunaga@tufs.ac.jp
ウェブページ / Website https://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/matsunaga/
学位 /
  • 学士(文学)(東京大学) 1987年
    B.A.(The University of Tokyo) 1987
  • 修士(国際学)(サウス?キャロライナ大学) 1994年
    M.A. in International Studies(University of South Carolina) 1994
  • 博士(政治学)(ニューヨーク大学) 2006年
    Ph.D. in Political Science(New York University) 2006
研究分野(e-Rad分野) /
Research Field(s) (by e-Rad)
  • 政治学
  • 国際関係論
    International relations
研究キーワード /
Research Keywords
  • Religion and Politics
  • Democratization
  • Comparative Political Regimes
  • Political Change
  • Contentious Politics
  • Conflict

自己紹介 / Biography

Please note that my publications do not necessarily reflect my teaching interest. At the graduate school level, I am affiliated with the peace and conflict studies program, not areas studies programs. My teaching interest is limited to the following:

?Conflict, Contentious Politics, and Political Change
?Comparative Political Regimes and Democratization
?Qualitative Social Science Theories and Methodologies

Please send all admissions-related queries to the university’s admission office [gao@tufs.ac.jp]. I will not respond to email queries.

所属学会 / Affiliated Academic Societies

    • Association for Iranian Studies
    • Middle East Studies Association of North America
    • Japan Association for Comparative Politics
    • Japan Association of International Relations
    • American Sociological Association
    • International Political Science Association

主要研究業績 / Main Research Publications

論文 / Papers

書籍等出版物 / Books and Other Publications


講演?口頭発表等 / Presentations

  • “An Anatomy of Islamic Awakening in Iranian Ouramanat: the Case of Naser Sobhani”, Kurdish Studies Conference, International presentation, LSE Middle East Centre, Oral presentation (general), University of Sheffield, 2024
  • Dissecting Ethnonational Undertones in Minority Religious Movements in Iran, The Nation as a Sacred Communion? Religion, Legacies, Conflict, International presentation, IPSA RC14 & RC43 , Oral presentation (general), Queen’s University Belfast, 2023
  • "Dissecting Multilayered Insurgencies: A Relational, Genealogical and Decolonial Perspective", Decolonizing Kurdish Studies Initiative Workshops, International presentation, Brown University Center For Middle East Studies & Yale MacMillan Center Council on Middle East Studies, Oral presentation (general), Online, 2022
  • "The State Regulations of Minority Religions in Comparative Perspective", 35TH BIENNIAL ISSR CONFERENCE BARCELONA 2019, 国際会議, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, 口頭発表(一般), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019年
  • "A Processual Sociological Perspective on Sectarian Insurgency in Iran’s Two Border Areas", Conference “Re-thinking Nationalism, Sectarianism, and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East”, 国際会議, Middle East Centre, St. Antony’s College and Pembroke College, the University of Oxford, 口頭発表(一般), Middle East Centre, St. Antony’s College and Pembroke College, the University of Oxford, 2018年
  • “Reconciling Islamic Constitutionalism with Pragmatic Governance: What Does the Iranian Experience Offer?”, Conference on Religion and the State, 国際会議, The Arab Association of Constitutional Law, 口頭発表(一般), Tunis, Tunisia, 2017年
  • Will Historicizing Desecularization Help the Iranian Postrevivalists?, 2014 Annual Meeting, 国際会議, Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 口頭発表(一般), Washington, DC, 2014年
  • "Theorizing Cross-National Conflict Non-Diffusion: Why Sectarian Violence Doesn't Spread Beyond National Borders in the Greater Middle East", Fourth World Congress for Middle East Studies, 国際会議, World Congress for Middle East Studies, 口頭発表(一般), Ankara, Turkey, 2014年
  • Postrevivalist New Thinkers of Religion: The Case of Mohsen Kadivar, Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, 国際会議, 北米中東学会(MESA), 口頭発表(一般), Boston, 2009年

過去10年間に取得した科学研究費補助金?その他の競争的研究費 /
Research Grants Awarded (in the last 10 years)

Last updated on 2025/1/20