

Be sure to read the following Application Guide and Points to note.


At the time of application, we will assume that you have read and understood the Application Guide, Points to note, and the contents of the Program Outline.


*The application page will go live from the date of application opening.


As of January 27, 2025, there are many parts of the program starting in April 2025 that have not been changed. Please check frequently and make sure to confirm what kind of program it is and whether you can fulfill the obligations before applying. (It is expected that there will be more mandatory courses for MIRAI students.)

必ずお読みください / Must-read

注意点/Points to note  

2025年度4月採用 / (2025)April Application

募集要項/Application Guide


支給詳細/Details of Financial Support



If you are approved as a MIRAI students, you will be eligible to receive the following financial support. This financial support is available for three consecutive years from the date of admission.

*For students selected in October (enrolled in April), the payment period will be consecutive two and a half years. For additional applications, please check the payment period written in the application guidelines.

*The number of recipients, the amount of support, and the period of support may be subject to change depending on the status of the national budget.
In order to receive your support, you must meet the eligibillity and obligations of a MIRAI students. *Please click here.

支給額/Allowance支給方法/Supply method注意点/Note

Living expenses (name: Support for devotion to research)


total 2,000,000 yen per year 

Divided into four annual payments.


You need to file a tax return.
(miscellaneous (sundry) incomes "Zatsusyotoku")


Research expenses (name: MIRAI research expenses)
*It will be paid to cover travel expenses, purchase of goods, etc.
to promote research.


total 200,000 yen per year 


The research expenses can be used from the beginning of every fiscal year.
However, it expenses must be kept and managed by the university.


The research expenses must be used in accordance with the university's regulations.
It must be used through the university's accounting division.
*It's not miscellaneous (sundry)incomes, so you don't need to file a tax return.


MIRAI生の資格/Eligibility of MIRAI students

(1)申請時の資格(応募要件)/Eligible applicants



  1. ?本学術振興会特別研究員、国費外国?留学?、留学?の場合は本国からの奨学?等の?援を受けている者。なお、その他奨学金受給状況に係る対象外の用件は以下のとおり。

  2. 本学や企業など(個人事業主も含む)から、生活費相当額として十分な水準(240万円/年)で、給与?役員報酬等の安定的な収入を得ている者。なお、企業などに十分な生活費相当額を受給可能な制度があるにも関わらず、受給していないものも含む。

Eligible applicants are TUFS Students who are to enter the doctoral program.

However, those meeting any of the following conditions are NOT eligible:

Conditions for revocation

  • Those who are Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellows, government-funded international students, or international students receiving scholarships or other support from their home country. Additionally, the following conditions apply regarding other scholarship recipients:

    • Those receiving scholarships aimed at supporting students to focus on research (living expenses) (excluding loan-type scholarships).
    • Those receiving scholarships that cannot be combined with other scholarships.
    • Those receiving scholarships of 2.4 million yen or more per year (excluding loan-type scholarships).

    Note: If selected for this program, individuals will be excluded from eligibility for exemption from repayment of interest-free scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

  • Those receiving a stable income equivalent to living expenses (2.4 million yen/year) from the university, companies (including sole proprietors), or other sources. This includes those who are eligible for such support but are not receiving it.

    • TA, RA, or compensation for joint research is allowed, provided it does not interfere with participation in this program.
    • Those with part-time jobs are not eligible if:
      • They have an income of 2.4 million yen or more per year.
      • They have a clear post and period defined in their employment contract.
      • They are dedicating so much effort to their part-time job that they cannot focus on their research as a doctoral student or on this program.

(2)MIRAI生の認定取消/Revocation of MIRAI Student's eligibility


  1. 上記(1)の【認定除外となる条件】に掲げるいずれかの条件に該当することとなった場合
  2. 退学、転学又は除籍になった場合
  3. 懲戒処分を受けた場合
  4. 休学し、かつその後の経済的支援を辞退する場合
  5. その他MIRAI生として適当でない事実があった場合

The following conditions will result in the revocation of the MIRAI students. If your assistance is revoked, you will not be able to receive your assistance or any other benefits from this program.

  1. In the event that the conditions listed in each item of Conditions for revocation.
  2. *When the student has been expelled, transferred, or expelled from the school.*
  3. When disciplinary action has been taken.
  4. If the student takes a leave of absence and declines the assistance.
  5. Other facts that make the student inappropriate as a MIRAI students recipient.

休学する場合/If you leave of Absence from School


Financial support can be temporarily suspended only in the case of a leave of absence for unavoidable reasons such as illness or study abroad, and can be resumed after the student returns to school.

However, you will no longer be eligible to receive financial support during the suspension period, and you will not be able to receive financial support for the suspension period after returning to school.

MIRAI生の義務/Obligation of MIRAI Students



    1. 別に定める研究計画書及び活動報告書の提出
    2. ジョブ型研究インターンシップのシステムへの登録(※応募は任意)
    3. キャリア開発?育成コンテンツの受講
    4. 博士人材データべース「JGRAD」への登録および、修了後10年以上の進路追跡調査対応
    5. 本学が指定する研究倫理教育教材の受講
    6. 研究成果発表時の謝辞
    7. JSTへの個人E-mailアドレスの提供および、アンケートへの回答
    8. 国立大学東京外国語大学研究活動に関する研究者行動規範及び国立大学法人東京外国語大学公的研究費の運営?管理に関する教職員等行動規範及びその他関係規程等の遵守
    9. 定期的なメンターとの面談

The following obligations are incurred by the MIRAI Students. Failure to fulfill these obligations will result in the suspension of your financial support, so please be sure to fulfill them.

  1. submission of a research plan and activity report as specified separately
  2. take courses in career development and training content
  3. register for the job-based research internship system (*application is optional)
  4. registration in the doctoral human resources database "JGRAD" and follow-up on career paths for more than 10 years after completion of the internship
  5. attendance at research ethics education materials designated by the University
  6. Acknowledgement at the time of presentation of research results
  7. provision of personal e-mail address to JST and responses to questionnaires
  8. compliance with the TUFS Code of Conduct for Researchers, the TUFS Code of Conduct for Faculty Members and Others concerning the Operation and Management of Public Research Funds, and other related regulations, etc.
  9. meeting with the mentor on a regular basis