MIRAIの方針?理念 /MIRAI's Policy and Philosophy
MIRAI は、博士号を持った若手研究者の、社会における活躍の場を広げることをミッションとして立ち上げられました。MIRAI では、そのミッションの実現に向けて、研究活動をより広い社会の文脈やより広い範囲のステークホルダーにとっての意味とつなげていくために、各自の研究活動を、他分野や社会との関係性の中で深め、進化させ、その研究の発展と貢献の可能性を広げるために問い続け、行動することを軸に置いています。若手研究者の活躍の場の拡大は、研究者の研究の視点、問題意識が社会での問題と連関してくることで、実現できると考えています。
MIRAI was established with a mission to provide venues for young researchers with a doctoral degree so that they can actively engage in society. To achieve this mission, MIRAI ensures that their research activities are conducted in a broader social context and that the activities are useful to a wider range of stakeholders. To realize this aim, researchers are expected to develop and evolve their research by carefully considering its relationship with other fields of study and society and to continue their academic journey and practices to increase the potential of the research's development and contribution. Through this expansion of opportunities for young researchers, MIRAI believes that they will be able to contribute more to society by relating their research perspectives and approaches to social issues.
研究力の拡大:社会との対話を通じた研究の深化と展開/Expanding Research Capabilities: Deepening and Developing Research through Dialogue with Society
- 研究の社会的意義の探求と深化 専門分野の研究を、様々なステークホルダーとの対話を通じて捉え直し、社会における意義や可能性を掘り下げる力を養います。
- 学際的視点の獲得と展開 他分野の研究者との交流や協働を通じて、自身の研究を新たな視点から見直し、応用可能性を広げる機会を提供します。
- 研究成果の社会実装に向けた実践力 研究成果を社会との価値共創の視点で捉え、アントレプレナーシップを持って具体的なアクションにつなげていく力を育成します。これには、AIをはじめとする技術革新がもたらす社会変化を理解し、様々なセクターとの協働を通じて新たな価値を生み出していく実践も含まれます。
MIRAI supports young researchers who hold doctoral degrees in strengthening their ability to develop research within broader societal contexts while leveraging their expertise. The program aims to enhance research capabilities across three key dimensions:
- Exploring and Deepening Social Significance of Research The program cultivates the ability to reframe specialized research through dialogue with various stakeholders and explore its societal significance and potential.
- Acquiring and Developing Interdisciplinary Perspectives MIRAI provides opportunities to gain new perspectives and expand potential applications of research through interaction and collaboration with researchers from other fields.
- Practical Skills for Social Implementation of Research Researchers develop the ability to approach research outcomes from a value co-creation perspective, turning them into concrete actions with entrepreneurial spirit. This includes understanding social changes brought by AI and other technological innovations, and creating new value through collaboration across various sectors.
キャリアハ?ス開拓 /Career Path Development
- 多様な研究現場への理解と実践: 国際ビジネス?スタートアップなど、様々な短期プロジェクトやインターンシップを通じて、人社系研究が社会にどのように価値を生み出すのかを実践的に学びます。
- 研究を活かした価値創造の実践: 自身の研究テーマと企業や社会の課題をマッチングさせるワークショップや、実際の企業との共同プロジェクトを通じて、研究の応用可能性を具体的に探ります。
- キャリアネットワークの構築: アカデミア以外で活躍する博士人材や、博士人材の採用に積極的な企業との交流会に参加し、具体的なキャリアパスのイメージと人的ネットワークを形成します。
- トランスファラブルスキルの強化: 研究マネジメント、プロジェクト管理、コミュニケーション能力など、様々な場面で必要となるスキルを、実践的なプロジェクトを通じて養成します。
MIRAI develops programs emphasizing the following elements to help researchers build careers utilizing their expertise outside academia:
- Understanding and Practice in Diverse Research Settings Through various short-term projects and internships in corporations, international businesses, and startups, participants learn practically how humanities and social sciences research can create value in society.
- Creating Value through Research Applications Workshops matching research themes with corporate and social challenges, combined with joint projects with companies, enable participants to explore concrete applications of their research.
- Building Career Networks Participants develop career path insights and personal networks through networking events with PhD holders working outside academia and companies actively recruiting doctoral graduates.
- Strengthening Transferable Skills Practical projects help participants develop essential skills for various settings, including research management, project management, and communication abilities.