東京外国語大学 国際関係研究所主催 講演会 / Institute of International Relations, TUFS: “Virulent Populism and the Structural Problem of American Democracy:Thoughts on the Upcoming US Election”
―Lecture Series: "Contemporary World and International Relations"―
“Virulent Populism and the Structural Problem of American Democracy:Thoughts on the Upcoming US Election”
Only for the Students and Faculty Members of TUFS
Language: English
演題 “Virulent Populism and the Structural Problem of American Democracy:Thoughts on the Upcoming US Election”
Professor Christopher Rossi (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Presenter Profile
Christopher Rossi is professor of international law and international relations at the University of Troms?, the Arctic University of Norway. He has worked at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, the Iowa Law College, American University and in the Clinton White House National Security Council as a Director of Human Rights, Democracy, and Humanitarian Affairs.
He has a Ph.D. and M.A. from Johns Hopkins, an LL.M. from London, a J.D. from Iowa, and a B.A. from Washington University.
Professor Nobuo Haruna (Institute of Japan Studies, TUFS)
1 November 2024 (Fri.) 11:45-12:35
In person; at Research and Lecture Building (Kenkyu Kogito) 109
Only for the Students and Faculty Members of TUFS
Language: English
Registration is not required
東京外国語大学 国際関係研究所
Institute of International Relations, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Email: iir-office[at]tufs.ac.jp([at] を @ に変えて送信ください)