Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research Course (TUFS-TUAT-UEC) and Kyoto Seika University held the seminar, 'Challenges for sustainable development in West Africa: Securing people's livelihood' as one of the official side-events of the TICAD7 which held at Yokohama from August 28 to 30. ASC-TUFS supported this seminar as a co-organizer.
Following opening address by Prof. Takeuchi (ASC-TUFS), the president of the Kyoto Seika University, Dr. Oussouby Sacko gave his lecture on the sustainable development in Western Africa through the Mali's case. Prof. Tsikata (Ghana Univ.) also delivered her speech on the economic development in Ghana.

Prof. Chitose (TUAT), commentator argued the cuurent situation of the agroforestry at some communities in Ghana. Prof. Yamamoto (UEC), the second commentator discussed the application of the IT for the current climate change.