
Visit to Senegal

July 18-21, 2017

On July 19, the delegation of ASC-TUFS headed by Prof. Takeuchi visited the JICA Senegal office in Dakar. We had a talk with Mr. Moritani, chief representative, and Ms. Kano, representative of the office. Mr. Moritani explained us that African Business Education Initiative for Youth project (ABE Initiative) has succeed to send more than 20 superior Senegalese students to Japan in this fiscal year. Mr. Moritani also said he believed that the students would become a linking bridge between Japan and Senegal in future.

On 20th, we visited Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), and met with Prof. Amadou Gallo Diop and Prof. Abdoulaye Niang in the international office. UCAD is one of the biggest universities in West Africa, which has more than 85,000 students and has produced a lot of famous politicians and business leaders in West African countries.

We also had a talk at the faculty of humanities with Prof. Moussa Fall, the dean, Prof. Bakarisa and Prof. Ma?mouna. They said UCAD has been making a good relationship with Japan through the programme like a Japanese haiku contest that the Japanese Embassy has organized with the faculty of humanities since 1979 in Senegal. We had further discussion with professors to encourage the mutual exchange in the academic fields.

After discussion with UCAD, we visited the Embassy of Japan in Dakar and met with Ms. Ikoma, first secretary, and Mr. Cisse, local staff of the office. We had a briefing from Ms. Ikoma about embassy's programme to support the scholarship students and the higher education in Senegal.