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Report: African Studies Center "Kick-off" Symposium “Frontiers of African Studies”

November 3, 2017

On November 3, the "kick-off" symposium which commemorates the establishment of African Studies Center of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies successfully held (click here to the flyer). In this symposium, three eminent guest speakers as well as Japanese Africanists presented their views and ideas on the achievement and future challenges with regard to their research fields, concerning mainly 1) politics and international relations, 2) economy and development, 3) environment and climate change.

Updated on April 17, 2018.
Revised version of presented papers are shared. Please click the links on each title to view the PDF version. At the last of this page, you can see the link to view the full pages of the proceedings.

At the opening session, President Hirotaka Tateishi delivered the opening address on behalf of the university (click here for the PDF), then Prof. Takeuchi (Director of the ASC) presented the introduction to the symposium (click here for the PDF).

At the first session, on politics and international relations, Dr. Olukoshi and Dr. Nakayama delivered their presentations and Prof. Endo made some comments to them. The title of the presentations are below:

Dr. Adebayo Olukoshi: Africa Changing Politics in a Changing World (click here for the revised paper)
Dr. Yumi Nakayama: Migration Governance: Migration within and from Africa (click here for the revised paper)

At the second session, on economy and development, Prof. Amanor and Dr. Demachi delivered their presentations and Prof. Yoichi Mine made some comments to them. The title of the presentations are below:

Prof. Kojo Amanor: Markets, Politics and Land Administrative Reform in Africa: What can African Studies Contribute? (click here for the revised paper)
Dr. Demachi: Periphery or Battlefront: Africa in the International Economy (click here for the revised paper)

At the third session, on environment and climate change, Dr. Sonwa and Dr. Oishi delivered their presentation and Prof. Ueru Tanaka made some comments to them. The title of the presentations are below:

Dr. Sonwa: Forest and Climate Change Response in Africa (click here for the revised paper)
Dr. Takanori Oishi: Sustaining Forest Livelihoods in an Era of Climate Change: Dialogue beyond "Participation" and "Community" Arguments (click here for the revised paper)

At the final session, on the general discussion, speakers, commentators and audience lively discussed the topics which mentioned in the sessions. Thanks to everyone who involved in the event, the symposium was closed a success.

You can view and download the full page of the proceedings from here.