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Participation in the International Conference: Africa-Asia ‘A New Axis of Knowledge 2’ at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Sep. 20th - 22nd, 2018

ASC-TUFS participated in the international conference "Africa-Asia 'A New Axis of Knowledge 2'" held at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The conference brought together researchers working in Asian and African studies in the world. It was held at the University of Ghana, Accra, for the first time in 2015, and this is the second time. More than 400 scholars participated in this second conference, organizing nearly 100 panels and roundtables. Professor Oussouby Sacko, the President of Kyoto Seika University, delivered a keynote speech.

AfricaAsia2018_01.jpgProfessor Oussouby Sacko delivering his keynote speech

ASC-TUFS organized a roundtable and a panel under the title of "Resource Management and Political Power", in collaboration with the Institute of Developing Economies - JETRO. The topic is based on the JSPS research project, as we have discussed in the joint seminar with the University of Pretoria. We have received a great input of knowledge from lively discussion in the conference.


Our roundtable


Our panel

Unlike a usual academic meeting, this international conference includes not only reports of research projects, but also a wide range of discussions such as the institutionalization of new research network between Africa and Asia, and experimental methods of education on area studies. We learned a lot from a series of intense debates.


Participants of our roundtable in a bus heading to the venue