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  • 【The 17th ASC Seminar】ASC – TIAS Joint Seminar: Toward Tokyo 2020 Olympic Paralympic Games


【The 17th ASC Seminar】ASC – TIAS Joint Seminar: Toward Tokyo 2020 Olympic Paralympic Games

Wed., June 13th, 2018 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Date & Time: Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Venue: Room 307, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Speakers: Mr. Kota Kumaki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Mr. Abdoun Nassir (Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies <TIAS>), Mr. Celestin Nzeyimana (TIAS), Didier Shema-Mbaboko (TIAS)

Theme: Global Peacekeeping, International Criminal Court, and Africa

Presentation Title:
"TUFS toward 2020" by Kota Kumaki (TUFS)
"Policy Implementation in the Cameroon National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSC): Issues and Challenges" by Abdoun Nassir (TIAS)
"Towards the Development of the Paralympic Movement in Rwanda: Current Situation and Challenges" by Celestin Nzeyimana (TIAS)
"Sport, Peace and Reconciliation: Before and After the Genocide in Rwanda" by Didier Shema-Mbaboko (TIAS)


The joint seminar brought together, speakers from the Tsukuba International Academy for Sports Studies (TIAS) and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS). It focused mainly on sports, and particularly on the 2020 Olympic - Paralympic games which is to be hosted in Tokyo. Mr. Kumaki from TUFS first presented on a brief historical overview of the Olympic - Paralympic games, some host nations, and the involvement of TUFS as getting volunteers for the impending event in 2020.

Mr. Abdoun Nasir, a Cameroonian student at the TIAS also presented on the issues and challenges in the "Policy Implementation in the Cameroon National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSC)", focusing on the stakeholders of the CNOSC and their contribution to sports and the Olympic - Paralympic games in Cameroon. He spoke about the contribution of Cameroon in Olympic games since 1964, the mission of the CNOSC, the legacy and the challenges faced by the CNOSC in contemporary times and the steps taken to address such challenges.

The next two presenters, students of TIAS from Rwanda also presented on the development of the Olympic - Paralympic games in the country. Mr. Celestin Nzeyimana spoke on the present situation and challenges in the development of the Paralympic movement in Rwanda, while Mr. Shema-Maboko Didier presented on promoting peace and reconciliation through sports in Rwanda with respect to the 1994 Genocide. While Mr. Nzeyimana restricted his presentation on the improvement of the Paralympic games, Mr. Shema-Maboko highlighted on sports in general Rwanda, indicating the status of sports activities before and after the Genocide and their influence over the change in the socio-economic and political life of the people of Rwanda.