東京外国語大学大学院 ダブル?ディグリー修士プログラム

【2/17】TUFS-CEU Joint Doctoral Workshop: Rethinking the Concept of the ‘Public’: Case Studies from the Socialist States 開催のお知らせ

The “History in the Public Spheres” (HIPS) program will host a joint workshop organized by TUFS and CEU. Three early-stage Ph.D. students will use this platform to critically examine the concept of “public” based on the recent developments in the regional history of socialist states. Their presentations will focus on the case studies from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union, respectively, and address questions such as the role of intellectuals in shaping and participating in the “public spheres,” the essential features of media in which popular discussions were developed and negotiated, and the creation of a planetary-scale consciousness of the public. The research presentations hope to shed light on crucial aspects of the theoretical foundations of public history.


TUFS-CEU Joint Doctoral Workshop: Rethinking the Concept of the ‘Public’:
Case Studies from the Socialist States (Dialogues for the History in the Public Spheres (HIPS) Program)


2023年2月17日(金)17:30-19:45(日本時間)/ 9:30-11:45(中央ヨーロッパ時間)


Venue: Zoom (Online) *You will receive the link to the event upon your registration.
Registration via email: a.nakai[at]tufs.ac.jp([at]を@に変えて送信してください。)


Moderator: Anna Nakai (TUFS)

Chair: Adela H?ncu (“Alexandru Dragomir” Institute for Philosophy, Bucharest)

“Rethinking the ‘Czechoslovak State’- The Aspects of Czech and Slovak Dissidents’ Discussions in the ‘Czechoslovak’ Public Sphere-“
Hitomi Sato (TUFS)
Commentator: Matej Ivan?ík (Comenius University, Bratislava)

“Dealing with the Past of the Homeland from Abroad: Nova Hrvatska (New Croatia)’s Reaction to the Extradition of Andrija Artukovi? in 1986”
Mayuko Uno (University of Tokyo)
Commentator: Zala Pav?i? (CEU)

“Conceptualizing the Sole Foundation of the Public Spheres: An Intellectual History of ‘Biosphere,’ from Vladimir Vernadskii’s Biogeochemical Ideas to Cybernetics (ca.1920-1948)”
Kenji Hasegawa (TUFS)
Commentator: Dr. Tatiana Levina (Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen)

Presentation Abstracts





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