Report on the Workshop
The Concept of Border: Its Ambiguity and Possibility
Il concetto di confine: sua ambiguità e possibilità
Koncept meje: njena dvoumnost in mo?nost
Pojam granice: njezina dvosmislenost i mogu?nost
Feb. 10, 2019
at TUFS IGAS (Room 427)
Yoshiko FUJII
Farmers' Sense of Border- in the case of Styria in Fin de Ciecle Austria
On violence which makes the borders substantial
National indifference, Silesian and Composite state: Theoretical framework for the dissertation about the Secession movement in Upper Silesia just after the First World War
National Border by Mountain Climbers
How Local Inhabitants at National Boundary Reacted to Italo-German Agreement of 1939: Interpretation and Implementation of the Agreement by Locals
For Analysis of the Permeabilities of the Borders: Cases on South Tyrol
Organizer: Project - Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in Modern and Contemporary Alpine-Adriatic Borderlands
Coorganizer: TUFS IGAS
Summary of the workshop
In the workshop, seven lectures are given in chronological order. Each lecture analysed how the concept of borderland and national indifference could be observed, comparing its contents, interpretations and transitions.
Third Meeting SY2018
12. Dec. 2018 at IGAS, TUFS
Detailed planning of the workshop. It should deal with the concept of border/borderland and "national indifference".
Second Meeting SY2018
30. Sep. 2018 at Shinjuku
Discussion on further direction of the project. Planning of the workshop which will be held in Feb. 2019.
First Meeting SY2018
19. May 2018 at Shinjuku
Exchanging information, extracting further tasks and discussing the plan for SY2018.
Report on the Workshop
International Workshop: History and Memory in the Borderland: Focusing on the Alpen-Adriatic Region
Storia e memoria in zona di confine: la regione Alpe-Adria
Zgodovina in spomin v ?ezmejni regiji: Alpsko-jadranska regija
Povijest i sje?anje u pograni?nom podru?ju: Alpsko-jadranska regija
Organizer: Project - Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in Modern and Contemporary Alpine-Adriatic Borderlands
Coorganizer: TUFS IGAS
Introduction: "War and boundary changes,indifference to state, transnationality without relocation, memory politics":Lessons from the experience of borderlands
17. Feb. 2018 at TUFS IGAS (Room 427)
First Section: Movie Projection 11:00-13:00
Movie "Piran/Pirano" (Director: Goran Vojnovi?, Slovenia, 2010)
Commentary: Shinichi Yamazaki(University of Tokyo)
Summary: On director's profile, ethinic background of figures, Contemporary history of the city Piran and Littoral from the Habsburg era to the present, and foibe/jame as a simbol of victims and sacrifice.
Summary of the Comments: Prof. Klabjan told about the experience of his friends.
Questions from the audience: Some audience asked to Prof. Klabjan about the history and tradition in Northern Adriatic Area, like croatian viking in the Middle Age.
Sedond Section: Lecture and Panel Discussion 14:00-17:00
Lecturer: Borut Klabjan (European University Institute, Central and Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (specializing in the Northern Adriatic area)
Lecture title: "Borderlands of Memory between East and West: The Northern Adriatic in the Twentieth Century"Panel Discussion: Borut Klabjan(EUI), Tetsutada Suzuki(Chuo University), Akito Sakasai(TUFS), Tamami Suzuki(TUFS)
Moderator: Rin Odawara(TUFS)
Summary of the Lecture
The Lecture of Prof. Borut Klabjan was focused on the "state indifference" in the Northern Adriatic borderland, which extensioned the perspective of "national indifference". In his lecture, he analysed the places of memories in the Northern Adriatic from the time of Habsburg Monarchie to the present. With his intensive focusing on the examples from the transnational "landscape of the memory" , the lecture revealed that the ambiguities or spontaneous reactions against the belonging to the state among the local inhabitants.
Summary of the panel discussion and the questions from the audience
Three researchers commented on the lecture by Prof. Klabjan.
Tetsutada Suzuki, sociologist whose research field is borderlands in Japan and Italy, commented on the theoritical basis of Prof. Klabjan's lecture. Citing the theory of "Longue Durée " by Fernand Braudel, he asked the question.
Tamami Suzuki, a researcher of modern history of the Austrian and Italian borderland, commented on the difference between the state and national indifference. With the examples from other italian borderland, South Tyrol during the interwar period, she asked the strength of the assimilation politics executed by Italian Fascist Regime.
Akito Sakasai, who researches comparative literature in
Asia, presented examples from Cheju Isrand/ Korea, Taiwan and Okinawa as comparative resources. By comparing the post-cold war situations in these places with case in the North Adriatic region, he asked if the people’s movement of reconstructing the local memory can be vulnerable to the state power.
After responsing by the Prof. Klabjan to the comments, Lecturerer, commentaters, and the audience discussed together about the phenomenenon of"state-indifference". An audience asked about the relationsip between automous system and the "state indifference" in Italian states.
The workshop was ended with about 30 minutes discussion.
Information International Workshop: History and Memory in the Borderland: Focusing on the Alpen-Adriatic Region
Storia e memoria in zona di confine: la regione Alpe-Adria
Zgodovina in spomin v ?ezmejni regiji: Alpsko-jadranska regija
Povijest i sje?anje u pograni?nom podru?ju: Alpsko-jadranska regija
17. Feb. 2018 at TUFS IGAS (Room 427)
First Section: Movie Projection 11:00-13:00
Movie "Piran/Pirano"
Commentary: Shinichi Yamazaki
Sedond Section: Lecture and Panel Discussion 14:00-17:00
Lecturer: Borut Klabjan "Borderlands of Memory between East and West: The Northern Adriatic in the Twentieth Century"
Panel Discussion: Borut Klabjan, Tetsutada Suzuki, Akito Sakasai, Tamami Suzuki, Moderator: Rin Odawara
Organizer: Project - Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in Modern and Contemporary Alpine-Adriatic Borderlands
Coorganizer: TUFS IGAS
Fourth Meeting SY2017
Tara Zahra, "Imagined Noncommunities" (Slavic Review, 2010)
3. Nov. 2017 at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Participants: Odawara, Shinsenji, Suzuki, Fujii
Third Meeting SY2017
at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Participants: Odawara, Suzuki, Fuiji, Furukawa
Second Meeting SY2017
9. Aug. 2017 at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Speaker: Tamami SUZUKI
Participants: Odawara, Shinsenji, Suzuki, Fujii, Furukawa
First Meeting SY2017
3. May 2017 at Shimokitazawa
Participants: Odawara, Shinsenji, Suzuki, Fujii, Furukawa
Third Meeting SY2016
"Nationalization" process by Slovak printed media early in the 20th century: the National frame and ethos.
18. Feb. 2017 (Sat.) at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Speaker: Takumi IDE
Participants: Odawara, Shinsenji, Furukawa
Second Meeting SY2016
"Nationalism of borderland - Sociological research on national question in Italian eastern borders"
17. Dec. 2016 (Sat.) at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Speaker: Tetsutada SUZUKI (Chuo Univ.)
First Meeting SY2016
"Strategy for historical perception in borderland areas"
22. Oct. 2016 (Sat.) at Nakano
Topic provider: SHINSENJI
International Workshop
International Workshop "Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in the 19-20 Centuries
in Alpen-Adriatic Borderland" (March 11. 2016, European University
Institute) was held.
International Workshop
Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in the 19-20 Centuries
in Alpine-Adriatic Borderlands
Opening Remarks
Rin Odawara (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS, Japan),
Visiting Fellow of European University Institute)
Presentation Part I: Division and Integration through the War
Rin Odawara (TUFS)
Violence against Women and Racist Discourse in WWI in Italy
Tamami Suzuki (TUFS)
"The Options Agreement" (1939) in South Tyrol and the Reaction
of Local Inhabitants
Yuki Shinsenji (Wayo Women's University)
The Memory of Resistance in Alpine-Borderland: 70th Anniversary of Liberation in Bolzano
Presentation Part II: Liberalism, Nationalism and liberal-Nationalism
Yoshiko Fujii (TUFS)
Liberalism for German Farmers in Lower Styria at the End of the 19th Century:
In the Case of the Bauernverein Umgebung Marburg
Takako Furukawa (TUFS)
Continuity between Liberalism and Nationalism in Interwar Austria:
From the Viewpoint of Alpine-Tourism
Pieter Judson (European University Institute)
Lucy Riall (European University Institute)
Pavel Kolá? (European University Institute)
Closing Remarks
Pieter Judson (EUI, Head of Department)
Organized by : Research Project
“Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in Modern and Contemporary Alpine-Adriatic Borderlands”
Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
-Pictures are here and here.
Information on International Workshop
Boundary Demarcation and Local Politics in the 19-20 Centuries in Alpen-Adriatic Borderland
(March 11. 2016, European University Institute)
Please see here or here for detailed information.
Forth Meeting SY2015
23. Dec. 2015 (Sat.) at Kudanshita
Introduction and review of recent studies on borders/borderlands (SHINSENJI)
Individual Presentations
FURUKAWA: Contituity of liberalism and nationalism in inter-war Austrian alpinism
SHINSENJI: Comparison of north Italian borderlands after WW II -Trentino –Alto Adige and Venezia Friuli Giulia - Memories of resistance movements in Alpine-Adriatic borderlands
FUJII: Liberalism of German peasants in Lower Austria at the end of 19th century
SUZUKI: Nationality and the Option in South Tyrol
Third Meeting SY2015
On Tomoji ODORI (ed.), Cultural History of the Alps - Transborder, Communication, Creation, Showado, 2015.
7. Nov. 2015 (Sat.) at Shinjuku
Topic Provider: FURUKAEA
Second Meeting SY2015
On Pamela Ballinger, Multi-culturarism agains the state - Lessons from Istria.
5. Aug. 2015 (Sat.) at IGAS, TUFS
Topic Provider: ODAWARA
First Meeting SY2015
On Pieter Judson, Does Multi-lingualism mean Multi-cultural Society?
6. Jun. 2015 (Sat.) at SHINJUKU
Topic Provider: SHINSENJI