Colin P.C. Jones

- 役職/
Position - Former Visiting Lecturer
- 研究分野/
Field - History of Japan and China (19th-20th century)
?Please give us a brief description of your area of expertise.
I am a historian of modern Japan, with a focus on intellectual history, law, and political economy.
?In TUFS what is your lecture?
The history of Japanese democracy.
?Japan studies in TUFS have issued a policy to lay emphasis on the reinforcement of the Japan's ability to deliver a message to the world. What do you think is necessary for that?
To live and work in an international setting requires a high level of comfort communicating in foreign languages.
But that is really only the beginning.
Real communication also depends on knowledge of cultural norms, history, and social graces that have to be learned through experience.
?How about TUFS and students?
The TUFS students in my class have been wonderful. They are interested and engaged, and across the board they have treated each other with respect.
?Compared with overseas, what is good in Japan and not good in Japan?
Probably too broad a question to answer at the moment.