トップ  »  新着情報  »  2011年2月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

2011年2月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

Shirine El Jurdi

February Report- London/SOAS- JSPS/ITP/TUFS 2011

In addition to the classes that I have been attending, I joined on an irregular basis a class on food security and another one called Feminists in International Law. I was able to attend some events organized by the gender department as well as others that are organized by other department and have to do with gender. Among these events were; one by the Nobel Prize Winner Dr Shirin Ebadi on the Role of Women in Promoting Peace in the Middle East; another one was by Professor Saskia Wieringa on Sexual slander and the post o genocide in Indonesia; a blank space in social science research. As for the events organized by the gender department I attended Masculine Domination within colonial fields of power: thinking with and against Bourdieu and his feminist interlocutors delivered by Dr Mark Johnson and another one on Peace exploitation: Female Peacekeepers from the Global South  delivered by Dr Marsha Henry.

I was able to meet and discuss the issue of my work with a visiting professor who works on minorities and political participation. As such I was able to put the parameters of my work within a more. I am still looking forward to have some discussions with some other professors, so i hope I will have the chance before I leave by the end of March. Dr Lalieh Khalili is still looking into my work.

SOAS had its reading week in the middle of  this month where there were no classes. As such, I went to Lebanon to collect some missing data and to prepare myself before my return to Tokyo at the end of March. I was able to attend a conference on ?  Les femmes et le droit au Liban ?, ? women and the law in Lebanon ? held by the Institut Fran?ais du Proche-Orient on February 16 2011.

