トップ  »  新着情報  »  2010年10月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

2010年10月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

October Report- London/SOAS- JSPS/ITP 2010
                                            Shirine El Jurdi

The interaction and experience that I underwent during this month went beyond expectations. Arriving to London marked an extraordinary exposure to me, not only of the cosmopolitan nature of London and the students at SOAS, but also of having in SOAS a gender department focused in a Middle Eastern context.  I didn't realize before arriving here the diversity of discussions, lectures and seminars that are gender-related. Giving the fact that SOAS offers a one year masters degree in Gender Studies, and since the academic year started on October 4th, I feel that I am also privileged as being studying the program. To better situate my fieldwork data within the gender academia, I had to sit to classes "Gender and the Middle East", "Gender Theories" and "Human Rights of Women" in addition to other classes that have to do with governments and states in Middle Eastern context. Dr laleh Khalili was very helpful and encouraging me giving me hints of librarians help about the topic. Giving the fact I come from an international affairs background, make sitting in such classes vital and necessary towards the usage of terminologies in the gender field. However, it was exciting to see a module of teaching that I haven't seen in Lebanon or Japan, which is the module of providing within the course a lecture and tutorial. A lecture is open and the tutorials are the space whereby the student's present and have dynamic interaction among each other and with the professor.

Though the British Museum is next to SOAS, still I was not able to visit it. At the beginning it was crucial that I get accustomed with basic issues in London since it is my first visit. I had to get acquainted with the tube and bus systems, getting the pass (Taeiki) with the shopping of grocers and food, and to open a bank account. In short, It was important at the beginning to get familiarize myself with the basic life needs.

In addition to that, it was necessary that I find an apartment. That was the most difficult thing for several reasons. Giving the fact, that according to SOAS, my status is a temporary staff, I am not entitled to a student transportation discount or to a student ID by which I can have some discounts in particular areas. As such, while choosing a residence I have to take into account the transportation expenditure. To make a long story short, I was able through networking that I was able to develop in London to find a place in a secured area.

Moreover, I haven't been free even on Saturdays. There have been gender seminars on the three Saturdays that I have been here ranging from "Gender and Identity in Muslim Context", "Feminism in London" and "10th anniversary of UNSCR 1325". These seminars are not free of charge. However, also at SOAS there are gender related seminars each Thursday in the late afternoon. Moreover, it was very interesting to meet in conferences people whom I have read in books, like Naila Kabeer, Deniz Kandiyoti, Jonathan Fox (had a meeting with) , Nadja al Ali, Nicola Pratt, Cynthia Cockburn. I will be able to sit and talk to them within this month or the coming one.
