トップ  »  新着情報  »  2009年9月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

2009年9月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

                                           モエデブ ワエル

This is my first month in Paris. I arrived here on September 11th. On the next day I visited INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), the institute where I am going to study, but unfortunately it was closed on that day.

On September 16th I did my registration at INALCO and got my student card. I got to know the staff in the international relations section who helped me during the registration procedures and facilitated my enrollment in the institute. INALCO has five different teaching centers scattered all over Paris together with its headquarters situated in rue de Lille. The other teaching centers are: Site d'enseignement d'Asnières, Site d'enseignement de la Belle Gabrielle-Recherche et Etudes doctorales, Site d'enseignement de Clichy, Site d'enseignement de Dauphine, Site d'enseignement de Riquet. Each center focuses on a particular African or Eastern language or culture.

My courses will start on October 5th and hence I am utilizing my time to find an accommodation here in Paris before that time. To date I haven't found an accommodation yet as it's very difficult to find a place to stay here, especially for a short time as a student.

As far as my research is on Maghrebi immigrants in France, I have visited a neighborhood called Barbès in the Parisian suburbs which is mostly inhabited by immigrants, mainly from North Africa and Africa. In order to get there you have to take the metro depending on your departure point and stop at Barbès - Rochechouart. The station was named after the revolutionary Armand Barbès, a French politician (1809-1870).

The neighborhood is inhabited mainly by Arabs, Africans, and Jews. Beggars are everywhere. Once you get out of the station you will find yourself surrounded by many street sellers. The first impression you get is that it's a very poor neighborhood. The streets are full of restaurants, mainly from North Africa. Open markets can also be found here.

In this city you can also find the biggest and oldest TATI store in France, which is known for its cheap prices and in which you can find anything you want. It's also known as France's oldest pioneering discount shop, or as they say in French: Tati est l'enseigne pionnière de la vente de produits discount en France! Today TATI has 40 branches all over France and two branches outside France, one in Spain and the other in Poland.

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