トップ  »  新着情報  »  2011年11月 月次レポート(プルナ?バハドウール?カルキ イギリス)

2011年11月 月次レポート(プルナ?バハドウール?カルキ イギリス)

KARKI Purna Bahadur

November Monthly Report

 This month I was able to collect some data which will be important for my research. At SOAS, at the Centre of South Asian Studies, I was able to obtain information on South Asian politics and contemporary issues, as well as scholars' information and articles from the South Asia Annual Review/South Asia Newsletter, both of which were useful for more in-depth research on my topics.
 Moreover, I was able to collect more literature on my field of study via the library and its archives. I was able to collect literature which presents various perspectives on Nepal Maoists and the peace building process in Nepal. This includes work by Karki Arjun and David Seddon and their views on the peoples' war in Nepal from the perspective of the Left. The duo highlights the political economy and Maoist movements and their various implications. I also examined work by Pyakurel P. Uddhab, who analyzes the Maoist movement in Nepal from a sociological perspective. In addition that I was able to collect data and literature on the Nepal government related to its condition in the 21st century. This literature gave further insights that will be valuable for my research.
 Furthermore, I discussed and reported my research progress to my mentor professor, Dr. Lawrence and received advice and suggestions. Further still, I narrowed the concentration of my research approaches, and developed the methodology which I am going to use for the coming month in my qualitative research. To build my expertise on the process of conducting interviews, and conceptualize the most effective way to conduct a research interview, I focused and read multiple books related to this methodology. By this, I was able to gain the knowledge of how to use interviews as a part of the research process, and conduct interviews scientifically about theoretical issues. As an expert in my field of research, I have approached Kul Acharya, president of the Non Resident Nepalis Association (NRN) UK for the possibility of an interview about the Nepali Diaspora, as well as two additional researchers. Thus far, I received confirmation from the NRN president. 
 Overall this month, I was able to explore much literature on my research topics, and pursue research in much greater depth on relevant issue, and to then build up my analytical research skills.

