トップ  »  新着情報  »  2011年12月 月次レポート(プルナ?バハドウール?カルキ イギリス)

2011年12月 月次レポート(プルナ?バハドウール?カルキ イギリス)

KARKI Purna Bahadur

December Monthly Report

 This month, I was able to submit my tentative dissertation draft to my mentor professor, Dr. Lawrence, and am now awaiting his comments and suggestions. I was able to perform an interview with one person, but some other interviews I had scheduled had to be postponed due to the Christmas and New Year's Eve holiday. They were pushed back to next month. However, I was able to attend the Nepali people's workshop which was held by the Yeti, Kasturi Himalaya Foundation on 28 December where many individuals from the Nepali Diaspora, academics, and business men from suburban London were present.

 The work shop theme was, "How can the diaspora contribute to the development of a New Nepal during this transition phrase?"  Persuant to this question, people raised the complications of so called New Nepal, as well as the development and set-up of federalism. Here, I also got an opportunity to present my views, and I brought up the current political parties' ideas about federalism. These ideas might bring more sever conflict than Maoist ideas; it is possible that there could be religious conflict, and negative effects on development due to the lack of resources.

 During this month, I focused on archived materials in the library and focused on journal articles which are related to my field. These include Nancy Levine's Caste, State, and Ethnic Boundaries in Nepal. In her article, she highlights the ethnic contrasts in Nepal during 1987. She writes that within diversity there was harmony, but now that has disappeared since the regime changed in Nepal. These kinds of old documents provide me with a historical background to compare and consider the Nepal New political discourse. In addition, I was able to collect documents that illustrate that the post 1990 was a period of transition in Nepal when compared to the contemporary Nepal. Thus, this month was very fruitful to my research. I also received confirmation of the acceptance of the following of my papers for an international conference:

 1. Accepted paper, "Nepal Armed Conflict and Peace Process in the Human Rights
'' at Human Rights in the Aftermath Graduate Symposium, to be held
      March 8th 2012 at University of California Davis USA.
 2. Accepted paper, "Kingship in Nepal: Envisioning Contemporary perspective" at
      third Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities. ACAH 2012 will be held at the Ramada
      Osaka Hotel, from April 5-8, 2012.
 3. Accepted paper, "Constitution Assembly Election and Role of Assembly Members
      in Nepal
" at South Asian Studies Association`s (SASA) Six Annual Conference
      April 13-12, 2012 at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, USA.


