トップ  »  新着情報  »  2010年3月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

2010年3月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

                                                                                                モエデブ ワエル

This was the last month for my research in Paris. During this month I have continued to conduct my interviews with samples from both the host society France and the immigrant population from North Africa.

In order to understand the structure of the French society and its classes it is very important to clarify which definition of race and ethnicity the French society is using if these notions ever exist. Notions with the French society such as "Frenchness", "laicite", and "public space", "Integration"/"Assimilation" are therefore very important in this analysis.  The purpose of this study is to analyze these notions and see their implications on the Arab/Muslim/sub-Saharan immigrant population in France. Hence, the questions included in the interviews had stressed these key concepts.

The interviews had also included some main questions related to the national debate on identity that the French government is conducting during this year. Most of the respondents either from the host society or from the immigrant population didn't see any meaning from running such a debate in France. Most of the interviewed people think that it's not appropriate to fragment the French society by running such a debate and stressing or highlighting the differences in the French population.

It is worth noting this time is that the samples from the host society never mentioned or affirmed any discriminatory acts within the French society towards the immigrant population.

On March 30 one of the interviewed people from Morocco accompanied me to Paris CDG airport by his car. We then had a discussion on issues related to the situation of immigrants in France. He stressed out that in France physical appearance, race belongings, play a very important role in the integration or acceptance of new comers to the French society even if the new comer holds the French citizenship.

         Moedeb3-1.JPG  Moedeb3-2.JPG
             Nicolas, 27 years, France                  Samir, 24 years, Morocco

                          from left to right, Fabien 37 years, France; Mustapha, 37
            years, Morocco; Thierry 39 years, France; Madeline, 35 years, Cameroon
