トップ  »  新着情報  »  2010年2月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

2010年2月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)

                                                                                                   モエデブ ワエル

This is the month before the last for my research here in Paris. The main task of this month was to conduct interviews with both samples from the host society; France as well as samples from Maghreb immigrants.

The samples were taken from Paris or more specifically Ile-de-France. The interviews included some main questions related to the dilemma of integration, being French, and the debate over the national identity. Samples were selected from different social backgrounds and were interviewed individually. Before having the interviews, I had to build a kind of trusteeship with some of the key figures in the interviewed areas. It's not possible to just stop people on the street and ask for an interview. Hence, it took me sometime to establish a kind of networks based on my personal relations with the people I am meeting regularly or encountering.

The contact with supervisors here has been maintained as usual by emails. Finally during this month I got comments and some advice from Professor De Tinguy on my initial plan that I have submitted to her from October 2009. The overall of her comments was that I need to narrow down my topic and get closer to my specific goal. I have then decided to focus on three main elements or concepts for my research which are: the definitions of integration, what does it mean to be French and the debate over national identity. All three elements are interconnected and lead to each other in a way or the other. My perspective is to study people's perception, i.e. what these terms mean for the host society as well as the immigrant population in France. Based on the results from the interviews, the questionnaires will then be developed in a later stage.

Adel of Morocco, 24 years old a student of industrial systems in Paris.

Yassine of Algeria, 37 years old a self employed barber.
