トップ  »  新着情報  »  2010年12月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

2010年12月 月次レポート(エルジュルディ?シリーン イギリス)

Shirine El Jurdi

December Report- London/SOAS- JSPS/ITP/2010

I was still attending the classes and enriching my understanding with new terminologies and concepts each week. These concepts will be utilized within the analysis of my data. Dr. Laleh Khalili encouraged me to do so. At the same time, I developed a framework which I discussed at length with Dr. Khalili and as such I had to spend time on. Hence, in addition to attending classes, I gave time this month to concentrate on writing.

The demonstrations against the boycott maintained this month as well, peaceful as they are, though they were portrayed of having more of violent nature.

I attended a lecture given by Samir Amin and a lecture on feminism by Dr Eleanor Newbigen, Dr Gina Heathcote, Holly Combe, and Julia Long. This is addition to the fact that I have attended other lectures and seminars.

However, December came with a different spirit. The university shut down the research room and the library on December 23rd where I spend the rest of the month in a semi vacation exploring parts of London.

