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Finally I could find accommodation here in Paris two months after of my arrival. I am now living in a city called Alfortville in the suburbs of Paris or ile-de-France the Parisian metropolitan. The city is inhabited mainly by blacks and Arabs. It takes me 30 minutes from here to Saint Germain des Pres where INALCO is situated.

During this month and according to the recommendation of Professor De Tinguy I have attended a one day conference entitled "Les migrations dans l'espace post-sovietique vingt ans apres la chute du mur de Berlin: ruptures et continuities" (Migration in the post-Soviet, Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: ruptures and continuities). The conference was organized by the CERI SciencesPo Paris. CERI or centre d'etudes et de recherches internationals (center for international studies and research) is the first French academic center for international studies and analysis of comparative politics. It was founded in 1952 and it is the oldest research center of SiencesPo Paris.

The conference was divided into two parts according to the themes of the papers presented. The first part dealt with: Nouveaux flux, nouvelles mobilites: UN espace en mutation (New flows, new mobility: A changing space). The presenters in this part came from France, UK, Tajikistan and Ukraine. The second part of the conference dealt with: Enjeux et repercussions (Issues and Implications). The presenters in this part were all from France.

As requested by my advisors, I have prepared the bibliography in French and sent it to them for further comments and I am still waiting for their feedback. Hopefully I will be meeting with both of my professors in December to discuss more about my research progress. On December 14th I am going to attend another conference organized by CERI entitled Changement politique et identites collectives (Political Change and Collective Identities). More information on this conference will be found on my December monthly report.
