Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Call for participation] Africa Networking Event “Africa! Now!” (Fri 22 Dec 17:40-)


“Africa! Now!”, an African networking event organized by African area majors and international students from Africa, will be held on December 22, 2023 during 6th period as part of African Weeks 2023, which will take place at the University from December 11 to 22. It is co-organised by African Studies Center and IAfP.

The participants will enjoy Africa from various angles in an effort to learn more about Africa. Anyone with even the slightest interest in Africa is welcome. University students who would like to interact with African students but have not had the opportunity are also welcome to come!

Africa Networking Event “Africa! Now!”

Date: Friday, December 22, 2023, 17:40~19:30
Place: Room 113, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Participants: All people who are at least a little interested in Africa
Language: English
Fee: Free (?500 + @ if you join the reception, first 20 people, other place)
Organizers: African Weeks 2023 Executive Committee, With Africa & African Students
Co-organized by: African Studies Center, Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa) IAfP – TUFS
Contact: African Weeks 2023 Executive Committee ?Email:?

Main Program

Opening Remarks?(Moeno Fujiwara, Chairperson of African Weeks 2023 Committee)
Africa! How Diverse! ?Keynote Speech
Speakers: Abelsilva Lopir (TUFS graduate student, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, from South Sudan), Yuki Osano (TUFS alumnus, studying a family in Ghana)
Africa! How Diverse! ?Group Presentation
Speakers: Exchange students from Africa
Africa! Live!
Speaker: Emmanuel Wepngong Jato (former exchange student of TUFS, graduated from PIASS, Rwanda, and conducts a workshop for peace building in Cameroon. Live from Cameroon)
Dance! Now!?Let’s all dance the Rwandan dance!
Closing remarks?( Prof. Shinichi Takeuchi, Director of African Studies Center)


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