[TASC Gaigo Festival Event Report] Russia-Ukraine War and the Putin Regime President’s Thoughts and the Actual Situation in Russia (Special Speaker: Takeyuki Hasegawa)
December 10, 2024
Reported by Riko Nakagawa

On November 24th, TASC invited Mr. Takeyuki Hasegawa, senior research fellow of America, Europe, and Russia Division, regional studies department in National Institute for Defense Studies, to have a special lecture on the escalating Russia-Ukraine War and the Putin Regime.
The lecture focused on the current situation of Russia-Ukraine war and the relation between President Putin and his administration from different perspectives. Furthermore, Mr. Hasegawa pointed out that the Russia-Ukraine War is a war that combines "new domains" such as space, cyber, and electromagnetic waves, distinct from conventional warfare, leading to prolonged conflict and increased complexity.
One of the participants has commented that “I was surprised by the complexity of the situation surrounding Ukraine. In addition to Professor Hasegawa's lecture, I was able to listen to a variety of topics during the question and answer period (relationships between Russia, China, and North Korea, Japan's security issues, etc.), and I learned a lot.”
TASC will continue to host events with various people in the future.
Student Comment(host) Mr. Masahiro Hirahara
In Professor Yoshizaki’s seminar, students often engage in the practice of analyzing opposing countries by adopting their perspectives. I believe that this special lecture provided a valuable opportunity to gain precisely that perspective. By studying the actions and strategies of President Putin and his administration, we can deepen our understanding of what the Russian leadership has been thinking, what it is currently doing, and how it might position itself in the future within the context of the international community.