[First-come, first-served basis] A complimentary digital subscription to Nikkei Asia

October 2, 2020

2020.10.2 updated

Dear Students,

All the undergraduate and graduate students at TUFS are able to apply for a complimentary digital subscription to Nikkei Asia, a news medium published by Nikkei Inc., for a maximum of 6 months.

For details and how to apply, please refer to [Flyer in Japanese], [Flyer in English]. Limited numbers of subscriptions are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

After your application, Nikkei Inc. will send to your registered e-mail address some information and questionnaire about “Nikkei Asian Review”, including how to move on to a paid subscription plan after the complimentary subscription period.

* Even if the complimentary subscription period ends, your subscription will not automatically continue unless you sign up for a paid subscription plan.

Educational Affairs Division (Kyoumu-ka Kikaku-kakari)
kyoumu-kikaku[at]tufs.ac.jp (Please change [at] to @)