Public Symposium “Primates in Asian Anthropogenic Environments”

Date/Time: Fri Nov 03 2023 12:30 ~ 17:30
Venue: Science Seminar House, Kyoto University

12:30–12:35 Kaoru Adachi (Kyoto Sangyo University)「Opening remarks」
12:35–13:15 Erin Riley (San Diego State University)「Human-Primate Interfaces: Past, Present, and Future」
13:15–13:45 Tatsuro Kawazoe (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)「Variety of human-macaque interfaces in Japan and population dynamics in natural population of Japanese macaques」
13:45–14:00 Break
14:00–14:30 Hsiu-hui Su (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)「Human-macaque conflict and responses of Taiwanese macaques to changing habitats in Taiwan」
14:30–15:00 Aru Toyoda (National Primate Research Center of Thailand)「Current situation of wild Stump-tailed macaque’s research in Thailand, as the Buddhist country, and issues related to their interaction with humans」
15:00–15:30 Paula Pebsworth (National Institute of Advanced Studies)「Coexistence: A Holistic Approach」
15:30–15:45 Break
15:45–16:15 Paolo Martelli (Ocean Park Conservation Foundation)「TENTATIVE: Reports from Hong Kong」
16:15–16:45 John Sha (National Parks Board Singapore)「Challenges of the expanding human-wildlife Interface in Singapore, with a focus on the long-tailed macaque」
16:45–17:30 General Discussion

Language: English
Admission: Free
Pre-registration is required.
For registration, please see here.

Cohosted by:
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori Kawai (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “An Ethnoprimatological Study on Wild Macaques in Hong Kong for Trial of Local Environmental History” (Principal Investigator: Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University) Project Number: 22K12530), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists “Relationship between biodiversity and intensity of connected mind in Southern Kyushu” (Principal Investigator: Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA) Project Number: 22K18077)

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.