International Workshop “Journée d’étude Charif Majdalani”

Date / Time / Place

Date/Time:Tue 4 Feb 2020 13:00–17:00
Place:UFR LLSH, Salle du Conseil, Université d’Orléans in Orleans, FRANCE


Journée d’étude Charif Majdalani
Atelier international en présence de l’écrivain : Rencontre des deux Orients, Japon - Liban
13:00-13:15 Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Mot d'ouverture:
Modérateur: Satoshi UDO (Université de Kagoshima)
13:15-13:45 Akiko SUMI (Kyoto Notre Dame University) “A Journey across the Desert: Caravansérail by Charif Majdalani”
13:45-14:15 Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Project Assistant Professor, NationalInstitutes for the Humanities) “Arabs Moving place to place in the early 20th century: Chalif Majdalani’s Moving the Palace and Anton Shmmas’s Arabesques”
14:30-15:00 Hiroki OKAZAKI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Dilemma of Syro-Lebanese intellectuals: Caravansérail and Asir al-Mutamahdi”
15:00-15:30 Hervé SANSON (Lycée Blanche de Castille ITEM-CNRS) “Des vies possibles de Charif Majdalani: le roman comme caisse de résonance du monde”
15:30-16:30 Réponse par Charif Majdalani
Commentaire : Mayumi SHIMOSAKAI (Université d’Orléans)
16:30-16:45 Satoshi UDO (Université de Kagoshima) Mot de cl?ture


Language: English, French
Admission: Free
Pre-registration is required. For registration, please contact Dr. Shimosakai Mayumi at the following address.
mayumi.shimosakai[at] (Please change [at] to @)

Jointly Sponsored by

Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Rémélice, Université d’Orléans

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.