Seminar on African Development
In this seminar, Dzodzi Tsikata, Director, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, and two Ph.D.
candidates of Graduate School of Global Studies – TUFS will talk about African development.
Date & Time
1:30‐ 5:30pm, Thursday, August 29th, 2019
Room 322, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS
1:30‐3:00 Dzodzi Tsikata (Director, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana)
“Can Agriculture Under Neo‐liberalism Deliver Decent Livelihoods and Structural
Transformation in Africa ” + Q&As
3:00‐3:15 Break
3:15‐5:30 Maisha Tunzine (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Global Studies – TUFS)
“An overview of land rights and land conflicts in Mozambique”
Emmanuel V. N. Kallon (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Global Studies– TUFS)
“Post Independence and the Foiled Political Development Take‐Off in Sierra Leone,
1961‐1991: A Neo‐patrimonial Readings“
No pre-registration is needed, Admission: Free, Language: English
Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research (Graduate School of Global Studies Doctoral Program, TUFS)
Address: Room511, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534
Tel & Fax: +81-42-330-5876
Email: sus_tufs[at] (Please change [at] to @)