Temple/Monasteries and Political Power in Medieval India

Date / Time / Place

Date/Time:Thu 7 Mar 2019 14:00‐18:00
Place: 5F Seminar Room,Hongo Satellite, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (2-14-10 Hongo Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo)
Access Map


  1. Richard Maxwell Eaton (University of Arizona) "Patterns of Turkish Desecrations and the Decline of Buddhism in North India"
  2. Walter Slaje (Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg) "What does it mean to smash an idol? Iconoclasm in Medieval Kashmir as Reflected in Contemporaneous Sanskrit Sources."
  3. Minoru INABA (Kyoto University) Comment


Language: English
Admission: Free
No pre-registration is needed.

Organized by

ILCAA Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”

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