Middle East and Islamic Studies International Workshop "Emigrants/Muhacir from Central Asia to Middle East: Xinjiang case during 1940-50s"

Date/Time Sat 3 Mar 2018
10:00 - 17:30
Venue Room number 303, 3F, ILCAA (Asahicho 3-11-1, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534)
Access / Campus Map

1. Abdulvahap Kara (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey)
The Reasons and Results of the Migration of Kazakhs from East Turkestan to Turkey in Between 1930-1950's

Kazakh migrants and the Soviet-Chinese relations during 1940s: as a background of the Xinjiang refugees towards Middle East

3. ?mer Kul (Istanbul University, Turkey)
Uighurs that immigrated from East Turkestan to Turkey between 1949-1954

4. Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University)
American Aids for Xinjiang Kazakh Refugees in Kashmir: Missionaries, anthropologist and the Escapee Program

5. Justin Jacobs (American University, USA)
An Examination of the Fate of Xinjiang Refugees during the Cold War

6. Tekin Tuncer (Nev?ehir Hac? Bekta? Veli University, Turkey)
The Emigration from East Turkestan to Turkey in 1964

Commentator: Akira MATSUNAGA (Center for Contemporary Islamic Studies in Japan)

Languages English
Admission Free
*For those who will participate in this workshop, please inform us of your participation to the following contact address in advance: nodajin[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp (Please change [at] to @)
Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Research Project Number:17H07174)
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