Field Linguistics Workshop:Grammatical Studies Workshops 8― Copulas and Existential Expressions (2)

Saturday, December 6, 2014 / 13:30-17:30

Date/Time 6 December 2014 (Sat.) 13:30 ‐ 17:30
Venue Room 304, ILCAA
(Asahicho 3-11-1, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534)
Speakers 1) Masayuki ISHIZUKA (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo)
“Two types of copular sentences in Basque”
2) Mitsuya SASAKI (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo)
“Copular sentences and types of arguments in Ixquihuacan Nahuatl”
3) Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology)
“Copulas of languages in northern Pakistan”

Language: Japanese

For details, please see here(in Japanese)
Website: ILCAA