Emergency Drill

Notice: Emergency Drill 2024

~ First action one should take when a major earthquake strikes ~

The Emergency Drill to be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. This is a very important drill and TUFS would like all the faculty members to be well prepared.

You will hear a prior announcement about the drill at 10:05am, and the earthquake notification chime at 11:30 am from all the speakers on campus (you cannot change the volume of the announcement).

Please take three steps - DROP, COVER and HOLD ON - at the place where you are during the drill (even in your office room).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


June 4th (Tue), 2024 11:30 a.m. -

What to do:

  • Shake-Out Drill (All those who can participate)
  • Emergency Drill (e.g. to evacuate a building) (All students, faculty and staff)
  • Safety Confirmation Drill (All students, faculty and staff)
  • First aid training, Firefighting training etc. (Students, faculty and staff wishing to participate)

Time schedule:

10:05- Advance notice of the emergency drill will be announced
11:30- Emergency drill starts

① You will hear the earthquake notification chime.

② Shake-Out drill: perform the pictures below on the spot.

  1. DROP to the ground.
  2. Take COVER under a table or desk to protect yourself.
  3. HOLD ON and stay low until the earthquake ceases (stay down for at least 1 minute).

③Emergency drill (e.g. to evacuate a building)
When the tremors stop (announcements will be made over the airwaves), students, faculty and staff should evacuate to the outdoor playground. In case of rain, evacuate to the Galleria of the Research and Lecture Building. (See Attachment 1)
Faculty members in charge of classes are requested to instruct and lead students to evacuate.
* Please use the stairs instead of the elevators.
* When evacuating, do not panic, act calmly, and evacuate from the nearest evacuation stairway or exit, using the guide lights as a guide.
(See Appendix 2 for evacuation routes)
* When you arrive at the evacuation site, please line up according to the instructions of the safety confirmation team.
* Please follow the instructions of the safety confirmation team and line up when you arrive at the evacuation site.

④ All the faculty members and students must report their safety through the TUFS Safety Confirmation System (ANPIC), once they received the safety confirmation email.

TUFS Safety Confirmation System (ANPIC)

12:00-12:30 First aid training, Firefighting training etc.

*We would like as many people as possible to experience the simulation. But please understand that it may not be possible for all due to time constraints.
*If it is raining, the event will be held indoors in the Gymnasium.