Global Japan Office
TUFS will establish ‘Global Japan Office’ at key overseas partner institutions and the office will provide consulting services with a special focus on ‘Japanese-language education and Japanese Studies’ area.

Global Japan Office / Desk
- University of Yangon (Myanmar): Open on 20 Dec. 2014
- Tamkang University (Taiwan): Open on 22 Dec. 2014
- SOAS,University of London (UK): Open on 2 Feb. 2015
- Shanghai International Studies University (China): Open on 13 Apr. 2015
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea): Open on 28 Oct. 2015
- Cairo University (Egypt): Open on 1 Feb. 2015
- University of Salamanca (Spain): Open on 2 Dec. 2015
- Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty at the University of Guanajuato (Mexico): Open on 10 Feb. 2016
- University of Belgrade (Serbia): Open on 17 Mar. 2016
- Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil): Open on 18 Mar. 2016
- International University for the Humanities and Development (Turkmenistan): Open on 3 Sep. 2016
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) : Open on 13 Mar. 2017
- Leiden University (The Netherlands) Open on 1 Sep. 2017
- Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (Ukraine):Open on 14 Sep. 2017
- Higher School of Economics (Russia):Open on 22 Nov. 2017
- University of Pretoria (South Africa): Open on 13 Sep. 2018
- University of Melbourne (Australia): Open on 17 Sep. 2018
- Protestant University of Rwanda: PUR (Rwanda): Open on 18 Feb. 2020 [Global Japan Desk]
- Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies (Uzbekistan): Open on 9 Apr. 2021
- University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam): Open on 6 May. 2021 [Global Japan Desk]
- University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University – Hanoi (Vietnam): Open on 19 Jan. 2022 [Global Japan Desk]
Global Japan Office will have the following functions
- A place where we will run Japanese-language and Japanese studies classes and seminars to be delivered by a specialised lecturer who will visit the Office from TUFS Japan.
- A place where we will coordinate the Joint Education Program to be run by TUFS and our overseas partner institutions.
- A place where we will arrange internships for TUFS undergraduate and postgraduate students with a focus on Japanese-language education.
- A place where we will arrange volunteering activities to be undertaken by TUFS undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- A place where we will provide consulting services for Japanese students studying at external educational institutions.
- A place where we will provide consultations for local students interested in studying abroad in Japan.