GJD Established at PIASS (Rwanda)
March 24, 2020
On February 18, 2020, a Global Japan Desk (GJD) was established at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) in Rwanda. An opening ceremony was held to commemorate this occasion.
This opening ceremony was held to coincide with the Resource Management and Development Joint Seminar, which was held at PIASS on February 18 and 19. The memorandum for the GJD was signed by Executive Director YAMADA Soichiro and Vice President MATSUKUMA Jun from TUFS, and by the Vice Chancellor of PIASS, Rev. Prof. Elisée Musemakweli. This memorandum has created an environment in which further exchange of research and education can be done between our two institutions.
In addition to Executive Director Yamada and Vice President Matsukuma, Professor TAKEUCHI Shinichi (Director of the African Studies Center), and other TUFS personnel who attended the seminar, also attended this ceremony.