Documentary Film Trilogy “The Battle of Chile” Screened at TUFS
February 20, 2019
On Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th of December, the documentary film trilogy “The Battle of Chile” was screened in three parts respectively at AGORA Global’s Prometheus Theater as part of TUFS Cinema’s Chilean Film Feature.
After each screening, specialist guest speakers gave talks on the topics of the films.
Wednesday 12th December: Sumio Toyama (Film Critic)
Thursday 13th December: Yusuke Goto (Waseda University Professor)
Friday 14th December: Hiroaki Idaka (Journalist)
At these talk sessions, the speakers spoke on the films from the perspectives of their respective fields, making every session uniquely different. Mr. Toyama talked about the film-making process, Professor Goto brought up the director’s latest film and discussed what happened in Chile following “The Battle of Chile”, and Mr. Idaka gave a vivid account of his time spent in Chile during the period of the film. After each talk session, a question and answer session was held with the audience.
There were around 450 people from both inside and outside of TUFS, who left many comments such as “all three films were excellent”, “the film use actual footage from that time so it felt so real” and “the talk sessions helped me further understand the films”.