Exchange Students藻僥伏B初





泳の吏畒漂駿Mは云僥の寄僥の弊順婢_薦晒並I┘▲侫螢でサポ`トし、晩云僥伏屶址CJASSOより惟態ЫoされるX僥署では噴蛍にVえない蛍の伏試Mを、2020定敢にg仏したクラウドファンディング?プロジェクト仝及2」 尸を\り埆えて。ルワンダの寄僥から藻僥伏を孃こう々で屶址します。



I am Kani Bahoya Paul, a Congolese student majoring in peace and conflict studies at Protestant institute of art and Social sciences (PIASS) in Rwanda. I am a filmmaker, painter, and graphic designer. By connecting my academic interest, my skills, and social life; I hope to learn from my fellow colleagues, lecturers as well as the host community how Japanese culture operates and what Japanese foreign policy toward Africa is like. Most importantly, I want to get involved at Tokyo University of Foreign Study (TUFS) by joining clubs related to my skills of interest. As I am fascinated with the development process of Japan and its historical challenges; I wish to learn more on this aspect by visiting museums and other historical areas.

A dream is still a dream until someone wakes you up to experience it; I express my profound gratitude to the Innovative Africa Educational Networking Program (IAFP), Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) for their willingness to make this happen by their support that will certainly wake me up and experience this. I am quite grateful for the crowdfunding effort, which will cover my living expenses in Japan. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone of the project's supporters.