
Message for my supporters from Lisa

26 September 2023 ~ 29 February 2024


portfolio_lisaAddy.pngHey there! Here is a free ticket to Naa's world. Come in and you have a wonderful time getting to know me. My name is Condoleessa Naa Akuyea Addy from Ghana. I am 20 years old and I come from Shama in the Western Region, which is one of the 16 regions in Ghana. My home University is the University of Ghana in Legon a suburb in Accra. My major is Psychology and linguistics. A few notable skills I have noticed is that I communicate well, have the gift of leadership, and an active listener. I also love working with individuals on a team. When I have some free time I love to read, listen to music, watch movies or take a trip to a new place. I take keen interest in meeting new people and making friends, and also photography as well. I aspire to be someone who can make change and create impact by brightening up my corner even if it is little. My favourite quote is "Excuses or results. You decide". I expect to be a better individual by the end of this program and be culturally enlightened. Hope you had fun. Till we meet again.