Exchange Students


Charles got 2nd prize at Japanese Speech Contest

Saturday, March 16, 2019

148.jpgCharles, a student of University of Ghana who stayed in Japan as an exchange student last spring, took part in the 23rd Japanese Speech Contest held on March 16, 2019. The contest was organized by Embassy of Japan in Ghana, Ghana Alumni of Japanese Universities, and Ghana Association of Japanese Language Teachers.

The theme of the Contest was "What I'll do when I vist Japan", and he was under the category of "persons more than 18 years who have not been to Japan before or been in Japan for less than 6 months". Charles talked about "What I will do on my next visit to Japan" and got 2nd prize in the category where he had 14 competitors. In the presentation, he explained why made him want to study in Japan and what he experienced in Japan.

You can watch the video from below.

Charles is studying Japanese every day at NOGUCHI JLPT Class. His Japanese is so beautiful and sounds like Japanese is speaking. We can see that he studies Japanese very hard. Charles will graduate from the University this summer, and he planes to enter a graduate school in Japan after he does his national service for a year.

It is a great pleasure for us that Charles, the first exchange student from Africa whom we support to study in Japan, keeps on making his effort to improve his Japanese after he went back to Ghana, and has a plan to come back to Japan and continue his study here.

Charles, Gambatte!