
Japan-TUFS so far

Oct., 22, 2018

Nancy sent us the message to express her gratitude to those who have supported her to come to Japan, such as Toyota Ghana who provided her and Samuel the roundtrip tickets. Nancy's been busy with classes and assignments of Peace and Conflict Studies course. She's also absorbing Japanese culture. For example, she has learned how to use chopsticks in just a few hours!

On 25th of September, 2018 I arrived in Japan and TUFS. Generally it has been a wonderful journey so far, having to experience a new culture in terms of the food, language and the many others. The Japanese demeanor of humility and hospitality have made life very comfortable. Also, the academic friendly environment of TUFS and the warm reception from African Studies Center, TUFS, have made Tokyo worth more the stay. I would like to use this medium to thank the leadership of Toyota Ghana, for financing the flight tickets, I am very appreciative for the gesture. Another thank you goes to University of Ghana and Center of Asian Studies, University of Ghana for the great opportunity given me. I look forward to making the best of my stay in TUFS.