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Mr. Bruno Asiimwe, our research student from Uganda, published his master thesis

November 18, 2022


Mr. Bruno Asiimwe, our research student from Uganda who aims to enter the Graduate School of Global Studies in 2023, published his master thesis open access from the SSE-UK. You can read it from here (doi: 10.14738/eb.309.2022). His supervisor was Dr. Frank Ahimbisibwe, our visiting researcher from Mbarara University of Science and Technology.

The following is a book introduction by Mr. Asiimwe.

I am Bruno Asiimwe, currently a Research Student and preparing to start a PhD in Global Studies, majoring in Peace and Conflict Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

This research explains the push and pull factors that occasion rural-urban migration of refugees, casts light on the challenges and livelihood strategies met by refugees in urban centers. The shift observed in the choice of habitant zones exposes the spirit of Uganda's open door policy for refugees. In turn the right to freedom of movement stipulated in the 2006 Refugees Act stands a test of time given that humanitarian assistance is not accessible in urban areas. The study was possible using a case of Burundian refugees residing in Mbarara city with the origin of Nakivale Refugee Settlement.

The findings also inform the work of UN agencies charged with protecting refugees like UNHCR, governments notably the Government of Uganda under the Office of the Prime Minister; relevant operating and implementing partners in rural settlement and urban areas where these refugees live. It is equally significant to avail a point of reference for scholars and policy makers as far as addressing challenges met by refugees living in urban areas.