News & Events


Leaving members and new member

May 1, 2022

Tow of our members resigned their posts, whereas we welcomed a new member.

Dr. Kota Kariya, our former associate professor, left his position on March 31, 2022 and arrived at his post as an associate professor at Graduate School of Arts and Sociences, the University of Tokyo on April 1, 2022.

Dr. Isao Murahashi, our former specially appointed researcher, left his position on April 30, 2022 and arrived at his post as an assistant professor at School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka on May 1, 2022.

Dr. Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon was accepted as our visiting researcher from April 1, 2022. His research topic is "Japan's emerging influence on the socio-economic livelihood of youth and peace in Africa: The case study of Sierra Leone".

Dr. Kariya took part in our events and so on since our center established in 2017. Dr. Murahashi was involved in oru center's management since being appointed in 2020.

Dr. Kallon obtained his PhD at TUFS in 2020 and has had a strong connection with our center since its establishment. We will help him conducting his research and collaborate when it's needed.