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  • 【For TUFS students】Major course’s lecture during Spring 2024 "Climate Change and Development"


【For TUFS students】Major course’s lecture during Spring 2024 "Climate Change and Development"

April 2024

We will invite Dr. Gloriose UMUZIRANENGE, a senior lecturer at Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR), during Spring Semester 2024.

She will give a lecture for undergraduate course: the topic is Climate Change and Development.

Graduate students are also welcome to attend the course.

◆Subject Title|International Cooperation 1 (Course Code: 19423049

◆Course Title|Climate Change and Development

◆Lecturer|Assoc.Prof.UMUZIRANENGE Gloriose

◆Semester|Spring Semester 2024 (Course schedule: April 11, 2024 - July, 2024)

◆Day and Time|Thursday, 4th Period

◆Classroom|Room 306, Research and Lecture Bldg.

◆詳細はPlease look at Course schedule.

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